30 million years ago , before the earth was almost hit by a huge meteor ,there were giants roaming the earth , this were the people of Atlantis , mu , lemuria whatever you wish to call that long forgotten land. Back then the Northern Star was Alpha Draconis ,that changed , after the planet was thrown out of its original orbit into what is todays configuration. Because of the close tragectory of the meteor and the shift of the gravitational forces , the planets ecosystem was drastically altered , there were earthquakes , cataclismic eruptions, the bosom of the earth exploded in a devastating rage almost erasing any signs of advanced cultures , but some have survied and their knowledge is hidden in ancients monumment as the SPHINX and the PYRAMIDS of Egipt , much more is to be found at the bottom of the ocean. Edgar Casey , predicted that Atlantis would rise again... ...And so it shall.
Part 2 to follow,Thank You for your time.
"Youve been hit by...A smooth Criminal."
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