This is really a song, but I had to put it here for lack of a song category lol.
I feel my soul fill up within me Everything I've never said Never letting people see The things I think inside my head I want to let someone know But I don't know how I cannot ever show The thoughts that I'm having now What could I do with a knife Shiny and sharp Could I take my life What could I do with a rope Tough and strong I am without hope I should tell someone That I want to die The dark side of the moon and no sun Is all I can see when I cry
CHORUS The things I keep hidden away My deepest secrets never fade They grow darker day by day Ever turning a blacker shade I can never see the sun All I see is the dark side of the moon I should really tell someone I should really tell them soon Before I make a bad mistake Before I grab my knife They could make my fake rope break And keep me from taking my life
I walk down a lonley street Filled with people, I'm all alone The only sound is my own heartbeat It's like the sun has never shone Because it is so dark to me The pain is thick in the air It's the only thing I see Besides the people who do not care I'm walking to my empty home But today something is there It's the knife I bought alone In a moment of despair It will cut my skin deep And I will bleed my soul around Late at night while the normal sleep And then they'll put me in the cold hard ground And my deepest secrets will be gone CHORUS My deepest secrets will never leave They'll be there when I end They sit hidden up my sleeve I'd share them if I had a friend If someone could care I wouldn't want to die My deepest secrets I would share Instead I cut and cry CHORUS I can never see the sun I see the dark side of the moon I should really tell someone I should tell them soon Then they could be my friend Keep me from this knife They could keep me from my end They could keep me from taking my life You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 14247 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .