Daddy,Daddy I screamed that day I'm scared and afraid please make this pain go away I'm scared of planes and terrorists too Please,Daddy,make this pain go away
Why did they do it? Why did they take those lives? Why is my heart filled with pain? Why can't we just stop crying tonight?
New York has changed It will never be the same The people are scared Our world was harmed on such a horrible day
Daddy,Daddy,I'm ashamed to say This pain inside will never go away Daddy,Daddy,please say Please tell me the pain will go away
How can I help? I care so much I want everyone in New York To have a healing heart
Life will never be the same Since the day the terrorists came They hurt our buildings They hurt the USA
But,they will not go unpunished So,daddy Please say we are safe That this pain will someday go away
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .