...............~DID EVIL COME THROUGH THE COMPUTER?~..................
It was just another routine night for the Hughes family. Tim Hughes was getting off work at 5:00 pm and Gloria Hughes was working until 7:00pm Their son Timmy was at the babysitters and Mr. Hughes like everyday after work, went to pick him up. Mr. Hughes and Timmy got home around 5:45 Timmy went straight to the cookie jar for his favorite cookies.."chocolate chips" then headed to the living room to watch cartoons. Dad went right for the computer to check his mail, then went into his local chat room to meet up with his best friend Larry. Tim and Larry were discussing this site that Larry came across on the internet about a spookie paranormal story...As usual Tim was very in to what Larry had to tell him about this story....Tim and Gloria had always believed in the paranormal because they truly thought their house was haunted. Larry proceeded to tell Tim that on this site...the story goes...that if you read this little saying out loud infront of your computer...some sort of evil force or demon would come through the monitor..but you would never know it did...because you couldnt see it. It is said this evil would bring unspeakable terror to you or to your family. Tim immediately wanted that addy for the site. Both Tim and Larry laughed at the thought of this ever happening..but Tim being so very curious was determined to try it out.Tim got to the site and the screen was black and in blood red print this is what it said: BEWARE : "What you are about to read may bring horrifying terror to you or your family. We strongly advise for you not to read this saying out loud infront of your computer." With that in mind Tim continued to scroll down the screen and found the short paragraph that was said to bring evil. Believe it or not Tim was slightly hesitant at first, but in the back of his mind he knew it was just bogus stuff and decided to say the short paragraph aloud. This is what Tim had read: HELLO AND WELCOME TO MY HELL...I CAME TO SEEK EVIL. I BRING YOU INTO MY HOME. YOU SAY THIS TERROR YOU SHALL BRING WILL FRIGHTEN ME TO "DEATH"....I SAY YOURE WRONG...FOR MY POWER TO FIGHT OFF EVIL IS STRONGER THEN THE FORCES THAT HELL COULD BRING UPON ME OR MY FAMILY...SO COME...COME INTO MY HOME EVIL...I WELCOME THE CHALLENGE. After Tim read this he waited for something to happen...he looked around his living room and nothing....Nothing but Timmy still sitting on the floor watching his cartoons. Relieved and feeling confident Tim then turned his computer off. He walked into the kitchen to start dinner and heard two voices coming from the living room. One of course was Timmys...the other he couldnt make out...Tim walked into the living room.."Timmy, Who are you talking to?" ..to which Timmy replied.."My friend Daddy"..."Your friend?" his father asked,,,"Yes daddy but you frightened him so he went to my bedroom to wait on me" Timmy said..Tim very sturnly said.."Now Timmy you know mommy said no friends over before dinner, lets go upstairs and tell your friend he will have to go home until after dinner!!" Timmy and his Dad walked up the stairs to Timmy's room...Mr Hughes opened the door and looked around Timmys room but there was no one in there...He looked at Timmy with a puzzled look on his face.."Timmy?, where is he?"..."Daddy, hes in the closet now cause you scared him." Mr Hughes walked to the closet door and opened it...strangely enough no one was there...at this point Timmys dad thought to himself that this "friend" of Timmys was his imaginary friend. Calmly and with a smile Mr Hughes told Timmy to tell his friend not to be scared and that its ok for him to come out and play with him. Then he walked out and went back downstairs to the kitchen and prepared dinner. A few minutes later the phone rang...it was Mrs Hughes calling to say she was going to have to work late again at the hospital because someone had called off, and wouldnt be home until early in the next morning. She told Tim to just call out for Pizza and thats exactly what he did. After dinner Tim went back online to look for Larry to tell him he had went to that so called evil site but that nothing happen. Larry couldnt believe that Tim read what it said out loud.Then told Tim he should becareful now since he has messed with the unknown. Tim kinda chuckled at Larry for saying that and then said Goodnight to him. It was getting late and time for Little Timmy to go to bed. Mr Hughes went to Timmys room and got him dressed for bed and tucked him in...kissed him on the forehead..dimmed Timmys lamp and walked out. Tim went across the hall to where his bedroom was and also got ready for bed. He clicked on the T.V. and climbed into bed. He dozed off shortly after. Two hours later he awoke to a most horrific scream coming from Timmys bedroom...He darted across the hall to Timmys room and opened his door, What Tim saw was a very gruesome sight ever imaginable. There lay little Timmy cut from his neck to his groin, blood was covering Timmy and his bed...but oddly no blood appeared on the floor or anywhere else in the room. Tim grabbed his son and pulled him to his chest and began hugging him....crying...screaming...terrified....yelling out.."Oh My God, Who did this to my son?" he dropped to his knees beside Timmy in disbelief still gripped to Timmy and crying frantically. Mrs Hughes had came home and heard the crying coming from upstairs and rushed to see what was going on...when she walked into Timmys room she let out a scream at the terrifying sight she was seeing...she ran to them both hovering over them...Crying out..."NO NO NO...God please not my baby...not my Timmy!!"
The police had arrived about 30 minutes later. They searched the whole house inside and out and found nothing...no weapon...no footprints..no forced entry. No evidence whatsoever to show that a stranger had been in their home and murdered Little Timmy Hughes. After speaking with both Tim and Gloria the police suspected that Mr Hughes had murdered his own child that night and charged him with it. He was handcuffed and taken to jail...The courts later found Tim Hughes guilty of the murder of Timmy Hughes and he is now awaiting his own death...on death row. To this day, Tim Hughes is still claiming he did not murder his son and Mrs Hughes also continues to prove her husbands innocense.
Was this the evil that supposedly came from the screen after reading that short paragraph?? Or is it that Mr Hughes is just some crazy insane man that took his frustrations out on a small child one night in a fit of rage and this is some sort of cover up story?..Guess we'll never know the true story behind this mystery.
Written by me ....Mary Murrell August 8th 2001
How it changed my life:Stories like this are something i write during my spare time....i'm not a demented or morbid person....haha...just like interesting and scary stories...i hope you found this one to be the same. XOXOXOXO You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 42797 ( Click here )
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