The water in the glass sat lifelesly as the sick old man puffed on his last cigarette. By now every thing the world known had sliped away into the cracks of time, making a slight dent in the short legend of mankind. The empty time slots tell many sad stories of young people who are forgotten by the time the reach adulthood. How is that you can see the forgone things I did? All my confused friends fell about their old life styles, their not here today- even if they were they wouldn't replace our innocents of yesterday. Everyone knows that the evil ones hands of darkness touch us in one way or the other, dragging everyone unknowingly to the fallen bodies of past wars. Which way do I turn if each is wrong, there's no map of who to trust anymore. Shredded into fragments, most fall blindly towards the ashes of hell-those who do make it to heaven never tell us the quickest way there. Where do the people go when they die, we can only dream that there up answering our calls for help whenever life makes us cry. However for the living, we can only guess at making our fate- hoping God sees the good, so one day we can meet him at the white gate. As for me it's too late- and with a half smile the old man passed on. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 42703 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .