Hi everyone can you make anything of this? At one time I live in a house right beside the one I am living in now. I had weird happenings in this house every since I was a child. When I was in kg-4 grade I always saw this black thing about 20 inches long and maybe 7 inches wide in the dark. It glittered with red and blue colors like a snowy tv would. But is was dark. (strange huh?) it would follow me at a distance but when I would approach it, it would back off butt at the same distance. I would say we were 3 feet apart and that's how it would be I wasn't alarmed by it so I let it go. But later one as I got alittle older other things happened. It would be really quiet and something would whisper my name "Wanda" and it would do it 2 times and i would turn around and no one was there. That was weird. Another time I just had gotten into bed turned out the like and closed my eyes and I heard syerines and a police scanner and people talking on it. It was so detailed that I got up and look out the window to see if it really was happening. this happened 2 times. Then before I moved out one night I was getting ready to turn on the tv and watch it, but before I even touched the remote i heard the window in the kitchen open. It was so destinct that i went to check on it and it was just how I left it. But the next morning the water tank's pipes that is beside the window was bend so bad that the people who replased it said that no human could of bent that pipes like that. Is this weird or is it just me?
:) from BlueButterfly How it changed my life:Well it hasn't changed it really but after I moved into my grandmothers house this weird stuff hasn't been happening. but the strange thing is my grandmothers house has been here for nearly 100 years and the last one I lived in the one I told you about was younger and was built by my father and we are the only people who have ever lived in it. :) You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 42785 ( Click here )
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