Date: 9/18/2001 9:20:00 PM
From Authorid: 3538
I was thinking the same thing,too!!!I heard what he said,and I thought to myself,huh?Go on about with life??How can we??For some it is extremely hard to just go on with life.Wow,that was something,though.I found it a bit strange,too!!  |
Date: 9/18/2001 9:25:00 PM
From Authorid: 24924
THAT is exactly what we all should do. To do otherwise is what the terrorists wants. They WANT Americans lives to be in chaos, to disrupt, and destroy. They want us to cower in fear, and stop buying, spending, and retreat to some hole somewhere. Let's SHOW THEM that they under estimated us!  |
Date: 9/18/2001 10:21:00 PM
From Authorid: 36704
Yeah I don't think we should go on with our lives either, but wallow in our own self pity and let the terrorists win, I mean if this tragedy makes me so disabled that I can't work or carry on anymore I'll just feast off of taxpayer dollars for a few years. Let's not go on with our lives and let America just crumble. Why is it that the people directly affected by this tragedy are the ones who are moving on and gaining strength from this while people who weren't directly affected claim it as their own personal tragedy? In times of tragedy and hardship people are divided into two categories those that need to be carried and those who do the carrying...base  |
Date: 9/18/2001 11:14:00 PM
From Authorid: 15033
He said something else that bothered me..."MAKE NO MISTAKE...(the ones responsible will be brought to justice)" Those words sounded really out of sinc with the rest of the sentence...Think about it...He said those words about 5 times with different statements...none of them made sense with those words at the beginning. No Bush, YOU "make no mistake" about them being caught...geez, isn't it your job? hehe! Love,  |
Date: 9/18/2001 11:35:00 PM
From Authorid: 17650
i personally think the pres is doing a great job at handling this disaster. there are many reasons we should go on with our everyday life. if we all panic and freak out and think its the end then how would that help matters. getting America back to our norm is the best thing to do. we cannot allow them to rattle us... and as for those who have children you have to ensure your children that they are still safe and that everything is 'ok'. i think at this time more than ever we need to all be supportive of our governmental leaders and trust in them to bring bin laden or whoever else to justice. peace to you.  |
Date: 9/19/2001 3:45:00 AM
From Authorid: 24924
Thunderhead, That's just a figure of speech, and the way southern folks talk, especially from the state of Texas (referring to the "Make no mistake..." remark). I've often prefaced a statement with that "make no mistake". It's just another way of saying "Pay attention, guys"  |
Date: 9/19/2001 4:40:00 AM
From Authorid: 33925
You know I agree with The Thinker here...everyone should be trying to move on and make yourlife as normal as possible...dont give into fear and chaos....that is what the terrorists want..prove to them that you are a country that can pull together and pick up the pieces..prove to them that they will NOT break your spirit...@}----xoxo  |
Date: 9/19/2001 7:11:00 AM
From Authorid: 19594
I agree with the thinker, and the thinker was also right about the make no mistake's just a saying texans use. I use it a lot, even though i now live in oklahoma(used to live in texas)  |
Date: 9/20/2001 3:54:00 PM
From Authorid: 3835
To me that would be just go on as best you can and let the government worry about how to justify all of what happened.  |