They cleverly pretend to be, Your newfound discovered friend, They slowly get you addicted to them, And soon they'll be no end, You'll inhale their intoxicating vapor, As you smoke them when you'll sit, Try to leave them alone, And they'll give you a nicotine fit, They'll soon give you a hacking cough, That seems to have no end, These sneaky little things, That you now call your friend, They may eventually reach your lungs, And start to turn them black, When this starts to happen , There is no turning back, They'll silently invite, Their friend cancer to set in, He's even more deceiving, Then your previous newfound friend, Soon you'll finally realize, That your life is being stole, It's too late to avoid them, For they've already taken their toll, And when your life is finally taken, Sadly coming to an end, They'll quickly move on to someone else, And pretend to be their friend.
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .