Date: 9/9/2001 8:07:00 PM
From Authorid: 21867
Yo Jennir, That is a possibility. What I would also suggest you do is be VERY aware of your environment...see if you notice anything out of place when you wake...could be anything, but you may have this sense that things aren't right may notice that a picture may be crocked...or a book that was on this shelf is now on starts with little things...Peace,  |
Date: 9/9/2001 8:12:00 PM
From Authorid: 42653
Its possible that you where abducted, I believe anything is possible although I suggest if you keep having *Blackouts* you do go to the doctor to make sure nothing is wrong, I know some types of epilepsys cause you to black out and Im in no way implying by saying so that you wernt abducted either. |
Date: 9/9/2001 8:15:00 PM
From Authorid: 34855
wow...kinda scary..i would be scared...*shivers*.. you should go to the doctor..or read up about it...anything is possible...  |
Date: 9/9/2001 8:18:00 PM
From Authorid: 33925
I think you and Pixie should have a talk...she has alot of experience with this and I believe everything she has told me...xoxo  |
Date: 9/9/2001 8:25:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 24405
AGENT SMITH!! I just realized something.. I have a chair by my TV, I think the next day it was by the window instead of the TV..... *shock* -Jennir  |
Date: 9/9/2001 8:34:00 PM
From Authorid: 21867
Yo Jennir, Sounds even more like it. Sometimes you might notice that ornaments or pitcures are not in the order they normally are. You may notice that when you turn your stereo on its playing a CD that wasn't playing last time you listened to it...things like that. I can remember driving to work and noticing that a mailbox that has always been red was a lighter shade of red than normal...or maybe the trees are not moving with the wind as they should be...after a while these little things get really bizzare. As Lady Luck suggested...maybe have a chat with Pixie. I would also suggest you maybe chat with Thunderhead about it. All I know for certain is that you are not alone. Peace,  |
Date: 9/9/2001 8:37:00 PM
From Authorid: 21867
So why is that then...with things being moved around? Because...and heres the trip...I honestly believe that sometimes we don't fully exit the abduction...and for a while we exist within a simulated reality...but the simulated reality is never 100% completely accurate...little things just nag your mind until you realise what they are. Peace,  |
Date: 9/9/2001 8:57:00 PM
From Authorid: 22501
It Could be an abduction, but heck, you may have just fallen asleep and woken up later feeling like only seconds had passed. Ive done that many times. But I say go with your instinct, if you really think something weird is going on then it probably is. Talk to you later man. -Krycek |
Date: 9/9/2001 8:57:00 PM
From Authorid: 20956
wow...this sounds freaky!!  |
Date: 9/10/2001 2:44:00 PM
From Authorid: 8726
wow that very well could be....  |
Date: 10/7/2001 8:07:00 PM
From Authorid: 43495
It does sound remarkably like an abduction experience. Mostly in the case of the missing time. That's really very odd. Such a large lapse of time is often reported by abductees. ~Cellophane Girl |
Date: 10/10/2001 7:32:00 PM
From Authorid: 44701
You might of but I'm not to know. I've never had anything happen to me like that before...Luv yas..Shellydog |
Date: 11/9/2001 12:11:00 AM
From Authorid: 31469
The mind is a powerful thing. I'm not saying you weren't abducted, but everyone has different brain atomic mass and energy. Say for instance people who overload themselves may experience quick energy displacements of light or they could black out. Possibly even just have dreams or waking dreams. I've had bright flashes for no reason. I've also had a waking dream or so I think I did. Check your skin for small bruises. I do believe in aliens, but I also know that our brains produce tons of energy and it's easy to beleive we are abducted sometimes because of it's power we still don't fully understand |
Date: 11/17/2001 3:20:00 PM
From Authorid: 47151
Good storie. I think your story helped me believe more in ufo's  |