At the crib of his newborn daughter, a father once looked down in joy. He reached his hand out to feel the baby's softness of her tiny face. He thought of all the days to come and smiling tenderly he said, "I am your Daddy. It is my job to walk ahead to show you, too, that all is well and safe for you."
That tiny girl grew fast and strong. She learned to smile, to sit, to crawl. Her father watched her with "Daddy eyes," and when she began to walk, he calmly followed and sighed, "I am your Daddy. It is my job to walk behind you in case you fall, to help whenever you call. I walk behind to show you too, that someone's always there for you."
It wasn't long before the father stood at his daughter's side. In radiant white, she clutched his arm, prepared to become a bride. He placed a kiss on his daughter's cheek, and with bittersweet joy he cried, "I am your Daddy. It is my job to walk beside, to hold your hand, to be supportive and understand. I walk beside to show you, too, that love will always bind me to you."
Years passed by, as years will do. In a quiet hospital room, the father lay dying, his daughter at his side. She kissed him gently on his weathered cheek, he smiled and said good-bye. "I am your Daddy. It is my job to walk ahead and let you know the path to take, the way to go. I walk ahead to show that all is well and safe for you."
~Meagan~ You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 28713 ( Click here )
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