Date: 9/8/2001 9:05:00 PM
From Authorid: 41932
ki is not chi...although they are somewhat similar... ki is like energy that is hidden but can be release in a way (just like telekinesis) |
Date: 9/8/2001 9:08:00 PM
From Authorid: 33357
There are plenty of Ki websites. It is just that these people haven't gone there. A lot of the people on here don't know a lot of this terms. Some people just post to say they don't know something which is pointless. I think they just want their tag some of them. Anyway. Underground is a good site... gather some info there, but don't copy.  |
Date: 9/9/2001 6:56:00 PM
From Authorid: 26733
keyword : copy - 75% of these websites are information that is being copied and written as there own(or made to appear as). Just dont make a ki site on the simple fact you know what ki is. Make it based on your exsperiences with ki and such, not exsperiences from other people. And Andrew, how good are you at telekinesis to be giving out lessons? It seems that alot of the information on the site is just info from other sites, i personelly think you should take some time out and learn a little more and develope cause i seriously doubt your ready to give out lessons. Another thing - you answer questions from other peoples information, whatever happen to personal exsperience?  |
Date: 9/9/2001 8:53:00 PM
From Authorid: 10754  |