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Who is respected in USM?

  Author:  36540  Category:(Discussion) Created:(9/8/2001 6:12:00 AM)
This post has been Viewed (984 times)

I've always been wondering this. Do people respect someone else if they have a tag??? I mean with out a tag you have no ALias and you aren't well known (Take me for example) Thing is if someone has a tag and is well known they get very well respected. Is this true???


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Date: 9/8/2001 6:15:00 AM  From Authorid: 6528    When I was a USM nudist (tagless) I think I was known and stuff. Everyone is respected in USM. Why shouldn't they be?? The admins, of course, are given authority, but after that we are all on the same level.  
Date: 9/8/2001 6:15:00 AM  From Authorid: 27845    Well.. in a way yes. I'm not sure if I would say they are more respected but they are noticed more then people without tags *obviously cause they are big and bright* A tag doesn't earn you respect, being a good person earns you respect.   
Date: 9/8/2001 6:18:00 AM  From Authorid: 25856    Well if you come to USM a lot, but you don't have a tag, you will be more well-known. But as Your Destiny said, the tag makes you "brighter." I think that you might be ready to request a tag, the 36's are over 2 months old. Just get into those comments! Much love,  
Date: 9/8/2001 6:19:00 AM  From Authorid: 3835    The reason they are well known is because they have been here for many, many months, in time, you too will be well known! It is all in how many comments you leave for authors that are nice that gets the attention, and the way you handle yourself in the chat! Hope this helps! (-:  
Date: 9/8/2001 6:21:00 AM  From Authorid: 14780    its how you represent yourself that gets respect...if you make good comments, posts, and visit chat frequently you will be noticed and make many many friends....lots of love  
Date: 9/8/2001 6:21:00 AM  From Authorid: 30747    no hon, I don't think a tag and respect are synonymous. There are people without tags that I respect a great deal and people with tags that I don't bother with much. It really depends on how you conduct yourself here. As far as being well known goes...I think that all comes with time. Maybe you see it as having a tag that makes you well known but you have to remember it takes time to get a tag and it's time that makes you known...not the tag. Gosh, I hope I made sense here. *hugs*  
Date: 9/8/2001 6:33:00 AM  From Authorid: 15157    You have a pretty new number there...but give it time and you will be well known!...When I was a tagless alias..I made sure I let everyone know who I was.......:~D  
Date: 9/8/2001 6:34:00 AM  From Authorid: 4883    I believe you may be confusing notoriety with respect... I find things in USM seem to run quite parallel with the norms of the outside world... (-:  
Date: 9/8/2001 6:37:00 AM  From Authorid: 15394    Well I do think that tags I recognize from a year ago when I started, I might tend to look at the familiar ones and see if they are still answering like they did a year ago ... but... lots of new people with no tag..I like what they have to say too.. so I think maybe we have our favorites, but just cuz a tag be there doesn't make them more respected... imho...   
Date: 9/8/2001 6:38:00 AM  From Authorid: 33925    Well I can only speak for myself...even when I didnt have my tag, I felt special here and people knew me...I dont think it has anything to do with tags...its how you put yourself out there...you kind of have to jump in and make yourself known to others...you know?..I have only been here since April and already I have made some of the best friends and family a person could ask for and this started well before I got my tag! Your still fairly new...give it some time and you will be noticed hon! xoxo  
Date: 9/8/2001 6:43:00 AM  From Authorid: 16061    Tim - I dont care if you have a tag or not it as its what you do on this site thats counts. I do not give an Admin anymore repsect than I would yourself. Respect has to be earned it cannot be given. The only thing I will say is if you want to be noticed then write good posts give good replies(with your name attached) and people will start to notice you. Welcome to the USM family and may your USM days be happy.  
Date: 9/8/2001 7:08:00 AM  From Authorid: 41932    who.... are u? lol im kidding, i dont have a tag and im repected and known by some people, it doesnt matter if you have a tag or not, your known because of your work, and the way you respong and how u act, u are known because of that, not just your tag. (hoped that maked sense, i got lost, lol)
Date: 9/8/2001 7:27:00 AM  From Authorid: 41155    i think that everyone at usm is respected, i dont have my tag yet and others treat me like part of the family, granted without your tag your alias really isnt noticeable and sometimes you get missed in chat, but if you say hello they see you, but a tag is earned and an honnor to have i cant wait till i get mine,angel*62  
Date: 9/8/2001 7:28:00 AM  From Authorid: 7152    No, because I have a tag, been here a longgggggggg time and no one knows me.  
Date: 9/8/2001 7:39:00 AM  From Authorid: 25828    i don't think so. i respect different authors either for their posts or their views expressed in comments. i notice many that don't have tags..and even look forward to them getting tags 8-)  
Date: 9/8/2001 7:41:00 AM  From Authorid: 34775    Hey..my best USM friend had been on here for a year before he got his tag and EVERYBODY knew and respected him regardless. It is time that does it..and heart..and reaching out to the great people on this site...  
Date: 9/8/2001 7:48:00 AM  From Authorid: 22288    No...I don't think so.... >>>  
Date: 9/8/2001 7:49:00 AM  From Authorid: 22288    I have profe....Lookie here, I have my tag, and hardly any friends here at USM lol >>>  
Date: 9/8/2001 8:27:00 AM  From Authorid: 5061    Tim,there are some great people here at usm,as you can see from the comments to your post.as you go along you'll get to no, lots and lots more.and ,tag or no tag,we like you for who you are.the tag dosen't make the person,it's the person behine that tag.And Tim,i've got a feeling,you're going to do just fine.And by the way,welcome to USM.  
Date: 9/8/2001 8:29:00 AM  From Authorid: 40530    It dosn't matter about a tag! I didn't even notice a tag when I met Lady Luck, and Stile didn't have one, and I respect them the most! ~poke_angel_gal~  
Date: 9/8/2001 8:44:00 AM  From Authorid: 277    I was here even before there were author id numbers. Then when I got one everyone respected eachother (well somewhat) LOL! If you don't have a tag it's really not a big deal. I always left "Hawk" at the end of my responses before tags. And before tags I used to know people by numbers and the name they left. If you really want to be noticed.....write a story that will grab some attention.  
Date: 9/8/2001 8:44:00 AM  From Authorid: 13061    When I was tagless, I was still known and respected. Everyone here is!  
Date: 9/8/2001 9:01:00 AM  From Authorid: 13297    There are a lot of people that come to this site with a white tag, just like yourself, and made a name for themselves before they got their flashy coloured tags. You can be as well known, notorious and respected as you wish, that is all up to you. It depends on the way in which you present yourself - are you more introverted, extroverted, are you flamboyant in your writing style or are you straight and too the point. Are you rude, abrupt, selfish or unkind or are you compassionate, understanding and giving. All these things lead to how well known you are, how liked you are and of course how well respected you are. It has nothing to do with a tag. Here, your words and you intelligence or lack there of speak for you. In this cyber community there is nothing to differentiate you from anyone else but the persona you create - and whether that is how you are in the bricks and mortar world is irrelevant - you can adopt whatever personality you would like here. Just remember that it will be associated with the name you sign to your posts, or the tag you receive when you get one. Present yourself as you would like to be seen and if respect is what you desire then comport yourself in such a way that you will achieve it. Hope I have sufficiently answered your question. If you have any other questions please feel free to message me. I think I speak for the vast majority when I say we don't love you for your clothes but what's behind the mask. cheers,  
Date: 9/8/2001 9:10:00 AM  From Authorid: 16671    It is basically the person. I was well known here before I even got a tag, as I'm a mouthy broad. LOL So its not a matter of a tag, its a matter of the things you post and how much interest they generate.  
Date: 9/8/2001 9:26:00 AM  From Authorid: 30229    Actually Tim, those with tags, myself included have spent a lot of time here, and made a LOT of replies, and bonded with people... This site is no different than the real world, you make a lot of replies, and just keep on doing it, your name will be known, your personality will show up, and eventually you will be well known, with or without a tag. It only takes a couple months to get a tag, and sometimes, in life, it takes that long to get to know people.... The idea here is to get to KNOW people, not whether you have a tag or not   
Date: 9/8/2001 9:30:00 AM  From Authorid: 30229    Even before I got a tag, I was getting messaged asking me to be part of people's family, lol. I was liked for ME... not my tag... So my advice for you is to get out here, read posts... reply in your own personality, and have fun... the rest will follow Good luck   
Date: 9/8/2001 9:55:00 AM  From Authorid: 18406    No way, I remember your name, as well as freedomfighter666(everybody knew who he was) when he didn't have his tag. I don't think it has anything to with tags personally, and if people do have a problem with it well then they aren't worth your time.  
Date: 9/8/2001 10:05:00 AM  From Authorid: 13546    Actually no that is not true, people with tags do not get more respected the people without them... Everyone is respected... no matter what!!! People without tags, are usmers too!!! Why should ones with tags get a "higher" respect then all the others? Many do earn their different types of respect in other ways.. there are many many "non-tag persons" that are "well known" . Everyone is respected! *hugs* Peace,and love.  
Date: 9/8/2001 10:49:00 AM  From Authorid: 17789    Hey I used to think that the way you do, but when you have a taggie you will realize that your concept is not very true! A tag given is like a reward and an apreciation for you, but it gives me a sense of encouragement too But they are really sweet and nice people out there without taggie, it does not make any difference if you have one or not, what's most important is that you stay true to your heart Kindness stands in front of respect God Bless....  
Date: 9/8/2001 11:11:00 AM  From Authorid: 13297    There are a lot of people that come to this site with a white tag, just like yourself, and made a name for themselves before they got their flashy coloured tags. You can be as well known, notorious and respected as you wish, that is all up to you. It depends on the way in which you present yourself - are you more introverted, extroverted, are you flamboyant in your writing style or are you straight and too the point. Are you rude, abrupt, selfish or unkind or are you compassionate, understanding and giving. All these things lead to how well known you are, how liked you are and of course how well respected you are. It has nothing to do with a tag. Here, your words and you intelligence or lack there of speak for you. In this cyber community there is nothing to differentiate you from anyone else but the persona you create - and whether that is how you are in the bricks and mortar world is irrelevant - you can adopt whatever personality you would like here. Just remember that it will be associated with the name you sign to your posts, or the tag you receive when you get one. Present yourself as you would like to be seen and if respect is what you desire then comport yourself in such a way that you will achieve it. Hope I have sufficiently answered your question. If you have any other questions please feel free to message me. I think I speak for the vast majority when I say we don't love you for your clothes but what's behind the mask. cheers,  
Date: 9/8/2001 11:21:00 AM  From Authorid: 33573    I don't think it really depends on if you have a tag. I think it depends on how many stories you have written or how often you are on here/chat. If you get around to all the posts and talk with some people you will be well-respected and known.  
Date: 9/8/2001 11:46:00 AM  From Authorid: 19869    u earn respect.... tags play no part in it! if ur not known much here then go in chat more and scream ur friggin head off n then EVERYONME will know u :P timeout comes and goes.... but when ppl know u, they neva forget u... lol um i dont know u cos i been off da net for month.... tim... hmm... k ima look out 4 ya   
Date: 9/8/2001 11:51:00 AM  From Authorid: 23610    I have always felt respected...tag or no tag. I have to agree with Evil Eddy though...if you feel you are not getting noticed and that is what you consider respect...then get out there more and make yourself known. I think what also helps is that when you make comments to others....write something that really comes from inside you and means something. It tends to touch people more and they will remember you. It really isn't the tag.  
Date: 9/8/2001 12:04:00 PM  From Authorid: 37812    I think most people here are respected for their demeanor, their comments,replies,opinions and kindness.Before I got my tag I felt kinda like an outsider but only cuz I thought ppl felt that way about us newbies but I think the veterans of usm are happy to welcome us in(atleast I hope so!?~  
Date: 9/8/2001 12:28:00 PM  From Authorid: 16069    No, I respect evrybody here.  

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