Date: 9/6/2001 3:55:00 PM
From Authorid: 30743
Three wishes, happiness for my family and friends, and to eradicate homelessness, and hunger. Great post, Love and Big Monkey Hugs,  |
Date: 9/6/2001 4:04:00 PM
From Authorid: 30229
1.Happiness and health to me/family/friends... 2. World Peace... 3. That everyone in the world had ENOUGH to live decent lives....  |
Date: 9/6/2001 4:04:00 PM
From Authorid: 12118
1) World peace....2) to be an actress...3)for roadkill to be a thing of the past i.e. animals would live for a long time, but not over populate the earth. love,  |
Date: 9/6/2001 4:06:00 PM
From Authorid: 38119
Well, I'm not in a completely altruistic mood, so one of those wishes would be for me. I'd wish that I didn't have to worry about money for college. Then I'd wish for a cure for cancer and the end of racism.  |
Date: 9/6/2001 4:23:00 PM
From Authorid: 31410
i would get my ex boyfriend back and honestly, that would make me happy enough that i wouldn't need the other two  |
Date: 9/6/2001 4:27:00 PM
From Authorid: 37038
to be rich, to beable to eat all i want and never gain a pound,and and to stay looking like im in my 20's until i die,,,,alicenchains1  |
Date: 9/6/2001 4:30:00 PM
From Authorid: 36635
If I had three wishes, I would want to be shorter(I'm 5'9", way too tall), of coarse, be filthy rich, and I would wish for more wishes!  |
Date: 9/6/2001 5:20:00 PM
From Authorid: 37059
I'd wish....... I wasnt rapped. Id wish my mom and dad loved me. And Id wish to see my Brother in heaven. --Baby Blue Girl-- |
Date: 9/6/2001 5:41:00 PM
From Authorid: 33632
oooh, Baby Blue Girl!!! I'm so sorry to hear that. I'd wish for Labor with no pain (for all women). Everyone in the world would be millionaires. And world peace (meaning no crimes, no hating, no racism, ect....  |
Date: 9/7/2001 8:14:00 AM
From Authorid: 14197
I'd wish i met 2pac before he died. Then Biggie. Then Aaliyah  |
Date: 9/7/2001 8:16:00 AM
From Authorid: 14197
(1)I'd wish that for one second everyone fully understood the way I see things. (2)I'd wish for my meaning in life to be more clear (3) i'd wish money and power weren't what make life enjoyable  |
Date: 9/7/2001 8:51:00 PM
From Authorid: 39887
Health, Wealth, and Happiness!! BUSYBEE  |
Date: 10/19/2001 2:15:00 AM
From Authorid: 38474
Terrorism to be wiped out, a cure for cancer, and for everyone in the world to have enough money to live decent lives..........  |