think back to columbine. remember when that went on the news? that sparked a huge debate about whether media is too violent. also, the main target was video games. (wait, dont hit back yet! ive got a point to make!) anyways, the backlash from the gaming community was amazing, getting many people to flip out about whether games are too violent. parents stopped letting their kids play em, and politicians saw an oppurtuntiy to get votes from those parents. joseph lieberman was head of that political group. he started to say if game companies didnt get their act together, the government would jump in. now, many more gamers started to attack lieberman, and ill quote from a magazine review of Blade Of Darkness, a gory medieval game: "The gore in this game will make you want to pick up the nearest orc skull, drink the crimson dregs inside, and scream I AM A GOLDEN GOD OF DESTRUCTION! (Put that in your pipe and smoke it, Joseph Lieberman.)" and, from letters to another magazine: "I dont know about you, but the only way I could hurt myself with a video game is to physicaly beat myself over the head with the CD case, Lieberman." now, what is ur opinion? is lieberman right, and are games too violent? can they "harm this nations youth"? tell me please. -madhatter87 You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 42450 ( Click here )
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