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Is religion too powerful?

  Author:  42450  Category:(Debate) Created:(9/4/2001 4:58:00 PM)
This post has been Viewed (1328 times)

ok, today, i was talking to one of my buds at school, talking about the band Gorillaz. u know murdoc is a satinist, right? well, my friend said that his favorite character was murdoc. then, when i told him murdoc was a satanist, he "switched" his favorite to 2-D. does religion have so much influence on peoples lives that some people automatically discriminate against others, solely because of belief? if so, why? if i said im a satanist (which im not, btw), how many people would no longer talk or hang out w/me? probably quite a few. im not saying just satanists are the only ones with bad treatments, though. pagans and wiccans sometimes get shunned by those who have different beliefs, becuz what they believe in is not "right". wanna know whats not right? discrimination cuz of belief. now, im not saying religion is bad, just that too many people just discriminate against others cuz of belief. look at the holocaust, for an example. those six million jewish people (read that last line again, why dont u) were killed becuz of what they believed in. if people just stopped discriminating against others becuz of belief, this world would be a much better place. thanx for reading. -madhatter87

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Date: 9/4/2001 5:04:00 PM  From Authorid: 29928    Well madhatter, I cant speak for anyone but myself, but I am a christian and the way I was taught, you hate the sin, not the sinner, so I wouldn't turn against anyone for what they believe..Huggs,  
Date: 9/4/2001 5:06:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 42450    thanx, pammie rose. tell that to some people i know. -madhatter87  
Date: 9/4/2001 5:06:00 PM  From Authorid: 38426    religion exists to control, and in that sense it will always cause people to shed innocent blood. this world will be a much better place when people discard such foolish notions and think for themselves.  
Date: 9/4/2001 5:07:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 42450    gee, thats a little harsh, dont u think 38426? -madhatter87  
Date: 9/4/2001 5:21:00 PM  From Authorid: 11091    Madhatter, I wish people would not discrimate at all for any reason. But when it comes to religion all I see is discrimination. Everyone believes that their God is best and everyone else is wrong. I'm with the majority of the world, I am non-christian (well an atheist) so in america, I am evil and going to hell.  
Date: 9/4/2001 5:22:00 PM  From Authorid: 11091    38426, is sorta right in a way. Religion is very controling, causes much pain and suffering and harm, so maybe the world would be better off without religion or at least with religious tolerance.  
Date: 9/4/2001 5:26:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 42450    ur right about that "My God is better than ur God! Ur gonna go to hell!" birdfeeder99, but it would be nice if people would just let others believe wut they want to believe and be done with it. -madhatter87  
Date: 9/4/2001 5:31:00 PM  From Authorid: 34625    Not all religions teach hate towards other religion... take Wicca and Taoism... both religions have nothing against other religions. Religions like Christianity and Islam give other religions a bad name sometimes ;_;  
Date: 9/4/2001 6:05:00 PM  From Authorid: 12072    I almost hate to say it, but the reason Christianity gets a bad rep is because it really IS the true way, and Satan doesn't want people to know that...But I wouldn't discriminate someone for their religion, even if I dont agree, simply because it contradicts what I believe. After all, Jesus said those who aren't sick don't need a doctor. God bless! Luv, Becky  
Date: 9/4/2001 6:12:00 PM  From Authorid: 35720    My favorite is 2-D too! lol But back on subject, I don't think religion makes a person. I like people for who they are.. not what they practice.  
Date: 9/4/2001 6:59:00 PM  From Authorid: 38426    alright 12702, in that case could i not say the same thing about any absurd cult brainwashing the gullible? there is a group of people called the raelians who believe the human race was cloned from aliens, and that their leader has met these beings and carries their message to the world. they have a bad rep. so... that must be satan working against them too, right?  
Date: 9/4/2001 8:13:00 PM  From Authorid: 7089    all i know is i'll see a lot of holier-than-thous of whatever religion in hell anyway, whether it's my hell or theirs, so it doesn't really matter. cheers, -tugger  
Date: 9/4/2001 8:34:00 PM  From Authorid: 16671    The thing is that satanism is associated with Satan, which is death, destruction and killing rituals, sacrafices and such. Now the world would prefer that people did not believe that this happens to day. Contact any police department and they will tell you differnt. There are lots of case files on satanic ritual killings. My brother is a special investigator for the Utah state Prison and could tell you much. The world wants to tamper down *evil* like its a good thing and not a bad thing. Christians in the world are NOT saying MY God is better than yours, they are saying MY God * Created* yours. They are saying My God created the universe and all that is in it. We dont hate the people that are not children of the God of the Bible, the one God that we believe in but you have to understand that we are committed to God and what He tells us. He tells us there is one way to salvation, He tells us that *any* other Path will not give one eternal salvation. He tells us to stay away from these other gods. So if a dedicated satanist, if their God told them to do the same thing OUR God tells us, would they be dedicated if they followed the word of their God??? Would they be condemned as Christians are today for following the word of their God??? What about J>W> or Buddist or what ever. Anyone that believes in the God lets say of their choice is going to, or should, be committed to the word of that God. My God tells us that HE is the ONLY way, the truth and the light. Sorry folks but thats what MY God says. So I do what My God says and try to teach people about what God has to say. Good day.  
Date: 9/4/2001 8:46:00 PM  From Authorid: 34814    Hey I will talk to people aslong as they don't sacrfice people or animals. Good people and not whackos LOL I don't care about religion,color,ect. I love people for their good nature. SO I would still talk to you Ignorance is strong not really religion BB  
Date: 9/4/2001 9:16:00 PM  From Authorid: 16671    Apparently I thought I was on another post. But yes, satanist or not I would talk to you. We use to take kids that were into satanism into our home after they got so caught up in it that really bad scary things were happening to them. Many turned to God for help. Thanks.  
Date: 9/5/2001 11:05:00 AM  From Authorid: 11240    Hey, Fb, quit apologizing for doing the work of God, will ya???!!! God Bless.  
Date: 9/5/2001 12:43:00 PM  From Authorid: 38426    mainstream satanism does not involve sacrifice or death or anything like that. when most people think of satanism, what comes to mind is not the actual beliefs and practices of the religion, but lies created by the catholic church during the middle ages to frighten the masses. firstborn, your lack of knowledge on subjects other than what was fed to you astounds me.  
Date: 9/5/2001 1:09:00 PM  From Authorid: 39524    i don`t know how you can have a favourite, murdoch the "gorrilla" doesn`t really exist you know, if u saw him in reall life you may hate him.....but anyway, i`m afraid to say relegion DOES play such a big role, it shudn`t, just like race shudn`t, but it does.....KUD
Date: 9/5/2001 2:44:00 PM  From Authorid: 15998    Personally, I like it when people don't think the way I do. it gives me a chance to learn, and finding out the beliefs of a person doesn't suddenly change who they are and how they act. it really makes me mad when people treat you a certain way because of your religion. I am christian, and I know I don't know too much about christianity, but i have talked to people on the net where they asked me what religion i was and when i tell them they r like "oh, i can't talk to you" so i ask "why not" just because i am curious and they go "U PUSHY (things i'm not gonna say lol)" anc block me. after that i'm left hanging, i mean i dunnno what happened lol. If you think about it it's kinda funny and pathetic at the same time, but i really just don't understand it. IK that sounds kinda weird, my point is that it confuses me extremely and makes me kinda mad when people judge you by your religion rather than by who you are. -scooter9009  
Date: 9/5/2001 5:35:00 PM  From Authorid: 29806    Religion is too powerful. It should be left in church, synagouge, whatever. They should be considered nothing more than how you interprit reality. It should not affect what you think of somebody or someone. My friend's mother has forbidden my friend from seeing me or speaking to me because I am an atheist. She said " I will not allow you to steer my child away from the Light of god" Ridiculous. The only people I know who actually try to convert HAPPEN to be the christians. -ID-  
Date: 9/5/2001 6:19:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 42450    wow id, thats harsh about ur friend and his/her mom. dang. i dont know anybody like that. im glad, too. -madhatter87  
Date: 9/5/2001 7:15:00 PM  From Authorid: 3093    madhatter87, if you want, I could talk to a few people and try and get you into the satanist's church. Look up Anton LaVey on a web search. Back on subject, a reason I believe that religion is a bad influence and impact on a lot of people. I am athiest, and why don't you think about this Christians..... isn't it said that "God's greatest accomplishment is that nobody knows he exists"? my own oppinion, he doesn't, but, Maybe nobody knows he exists because they're following the wrong religion. Come on now, people from diffrent religions say they speak to they're God. If one religion says the another religion is crazy because they're the right religion then who is the right religion because they would both pass judgement upon eachother which would be wrong according to the bibles of treating everyone the same or something. whatever.  
Date: 9/6/2001 9:09:00 AM  From Authorid: 11240    WHERE did that statement come from, Slayer? God's greatest accomplishment (to us in this present day) is the PROOF of His Existence. I'm not going to speak for all the Christians on this site, but as for me, my Faith in God has NOTHING to do with RELIGION. Perhaps you should think through what it is you're trying to say before you just automatically type it in. I think you meant to use the word "their" rather than "they'(a)re" as I don't know of any Christian who thinks that "they" are God. God Bless.  

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