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Does ki damage your brain if you move it there?

  Author: 22133  Category:(ESP) Created:(9/4/2001 2:48:00 PM)
This post has been Viewed (1138 times)

I saw on a message board that its dangerus to move ki to your brain but on another site it says its ok and Ive heard other things but Im just kinda confused now, does anyone know anything about this?

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Date: 9/4/2001 2:50:00 PM  From Authorid: 14780    what is ki? i hope im not being a dummy..lol  
Date: 9/4/2001 2:55:00 PM  From Authorid: 29928    I second that..what is ki?  
Date: 9/4/2001 3:01:00 PM  From Authorid: 11756    i third that ...what is ki ?? lol  
Date: 9/4/2001 3:03:00 PM  From Authorid: 15362    If you could tell me what *ki* is, I may be able to give you an answer. DessieDew  
Date: 9/4/2001 3:10:00 PM  From Authorid: 14780    omgg...im glad im not the only one that doesnt know...lol...lots of love  
Date: 9/4/2001 3:18:00 PM  From Authorid: 41155    i suppose no one knows what ki is i dont feel so stupid now LOL need input.angel62  
Date: 9/4/2001 3:23:00 PM  From Authorid: 14474    Maybe the author meant to type "k.e.", or kinetic energy?  
Date: 9/4/2001 4:02:00 PM  From Authorid: 17051    O, now I feel betta. I though Imightbe the only one who had no clue what *ki is. So I will ask too . . . what is ki?  
Date: 9/4/2001 4:50:00 PM  From Authorid: 9676    ki is kind of like your aura I think. I don't really know abou the brain damage thing though...  
Date: 9/4/2001 6:12:00 PM  From Authorid: 31275    doesn't ki have something to do with eastern philosophy on the source of life. Like...ki is what keeps you alive. it's like your natural energy. I think that is what it is. Let me know! PAI  
Date: 9/4/2001 9:36:00 PM  From Authorid: 37411    Ki is your lifeforce energy. You get it from your body instead of a different place. I dont see why it would be harmful if you did seeing that it is you lifeforce energy. I move it around my body. I havent specifically moved it to the brain but.... yeah so. lol babybluemoon42  
Date: 9/4/2001 9:37:00 PM  From Authorid: 37411    O and your supposed to keep your toilet seat closed cuz your wasted ki will seep out. babybluemoon42  
Date: 9/4/2001 10:30:00 PM  From Authorid: 33357    Oh wow BabyBlue, I was wondering if anyone was going to know what Ki was. No it wouldn't hurt your brain, to do psychic work you move it there anyway, even if you don't know it. To help people out, Ki has many different names: Prana, Chi, Life-force, Ki, psionic energy. It's all the same, it all originates in the body. Though there is two types of inner energy. Centre energy which is your soul energy which you never use for psychic work, you don't you at all, it keeps you alive, and aura energy which is the waste energy that is not used by the body from the centre energy. This is of course where you get your aura from. It radiate out of your body, more prominantly in the head where the radiation starts from. You can use this unused energy to do psychic or hybrid talents. If you use it too much you have to bring outside energy in to balance it off. Out energy is, elemental energy, mana, nature energy, death energy, dark force energy, ethereal energy. Keep in mind that all the outside energies are not all the same thing with different names. Necromancers use death energy, sorcerers when learned can use dark force energy, etc.  
Date: 9/5/2001 3:44:00 AM  From Authorid: 16339    i was beaten to it. yes it is the energy of all life & psimage, u learn something every day dont you. I have posted this before but the thing about these posts is that they are a simple question & from this, many other things are learned. as for ur question, i dont really know but this website may help http://members.fortunecity.com/kisociety/undergroundsociety/ I came across it when i started studying ki. I hope it is useful. «*~ßrëtt~*»  
Date: 9/5/2001 11:25:00 AM  From Authorid: 26733    Iv moved energy into my head before, it made me feel very relaxed and calm. Go to underground if you want to become an "Elite Fighter" - go and train - train for what you ask? - who knows, maybe theres an alien invasion coming that only a select few and not the pentagon know about.  
Date: 9/5/2001 11:38:00 PM  From Authorid: 33357    Yea.. I already knew this stuff though.  
Date: 9/6/2001 10:18:00 AM  From Authorid: 40072    ki is your internal energy and it is natural and part of you so you can move it to any part of your
body and it wont have any harmfull effects on you.
same goes for manner energy.
Date: 9/26/2001 7:48:00 PM  From Authorid: 42914    don't move it to ur brain unless u want to undergo a terrible series of problems. trust me on this please. don't tamper with the unknown to that extent. I did something very similar to this and started having visions all the time, and spontaneous wide awkae obes's constantly that practically drove me mad. I've made it out of the forest so to speak, but I just barely survived the whole dismaying ordeal. It took me 3 years to get my kundalini energy under control. Kundalini is the same as chi ok, or prana whatver its the same elctrical energy in all of us that animates life. If u bring it up to ur brow chakra u will begin having spntaneous uncontrollable sporadically occuring OBE'S and u will display all the tyipical characteristic features of insanity to others. Because they will not realize u will be stuck between this dimension and the other side in the 5th or one of the other higher planes of existence. There r other dimensions of existence besides this one, this one just happens to be the most dense, and the matter is vaibrating at a slower frequency which gives it the false illusion of solidity. Don't mess with it trust me. Or u will be shifting between here and there and since no one else here can detect the other higher dimensions that only theoretical quantum physicists have discerned mathametically with their complex calculation thus far cos they know the other dimensions r occupying the same time space, everyone else will assume u r psychotically mad cause they think everyone else would be able to see it or interact with it, or travel there if it existed which isn't true, cos everyones capability to harnass the resovoir of invisible cosmic energy is different. Which renders varying levels of results for everyone.

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