yes! finally, someone has made the perfect music to play while ur trying to concentrate on sumthin else! skating, driving, disarming a bomb, or giving directions to airplanes 2 miles up in the air will be even more fun with Papa Roach blaring in the background! anyways, its an average cd, no better and no worse than a lot of other rock/rap bands out there (excluding Limp Bizkit; I could rap better than Durst, and im not very good at rapping). coby dicks screeching vocals will eventually get on ur nerves after a while, and will make u contemplate ur own last resort. which brings us to another topic: why do people dis this band so much? just cuz they had a video that blew up on trl doesnt mean theyre sellouts! some of the best tracks on this cd are 'Dead Cell', 'Between Angels And Insects', and 'Snakes'. again, the band does nothing new or original, wont hold ur attention 4 long, and DEFINITLY doesnt command ur attention (much unlike Limp Bizkit, whos tunes will make u wonder why u arent dong sumthin better with ur time), but its good 4 some mindless metal now and then. listen to it if ur bored with everything else u have, and just wanna have some fun. -madhatter87 You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 42450 ( Click here )
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