One night i went to sleep and enter the wonderful world of slumber dreems and well here's what was in it ok i woke up and i was cold and on the floor of sa forest and i was hungrey and tired and did i mention cold and anywasy all of the suden i saw all these nombes and they were asking me for my underwear and of corse i said why the hades should i give you my beautifull purple duckey underwear i mean they're really cute and my boyfriend likes them a lot well anyways the told me i jsut should and i asked again why an they told me they were the underwear nombes and they steel your underwear at night omg you perverts i shouted and i ran away but then i saw this beAUTIFul flying monkey and you know i love the wisord of oz i just had to ask for his autograph and well he was kindof rude "nononono" he said,"too buisy for petty foolish little peices of penguin like you then all of the sudden i turned around and there behind me with blode dripping fom his beak and a anoying squeeky noice was a killer penguin trying to steel my sanity AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA so i ran and i ran and i ran then all of the suden i found myself consealed inside a cute little iglue and there were these two hot guys and my friend was there too and all of the sudden out of no where we all started singing the sweater song/undone by weezer and it was weird cause usually my friend hates that song ,i mean she has no common sence so she wouldn't like that song ,but anywayswe were all laughing and singing just like the smirfs christmas special and yes i know it sounds weird but all of the sudden i was sitting around this cozzy little fire with papa smirf and little smirf and smirfet and all the other smirfs and we were singing the theeme song for the smirf show la la lala lala lala lala la LLAA YEY AND THEN I WOKE UP and i was happy and gey la la lala lala lala lala laaa LAAAAAA and we all lived happily ever after How it changed my life:it changed my life very drastically and because of this horable dream i have to constantlly eat lots and lots of dog food You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 29109 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .