When my eyes have closed in final sleep, Lay me down in earth's resting place, Remember my beloved hopes and dreams, In God's sweet heavenly grace.
My wonderous existence I have appreciated, And I thank God for every precious day, For allowing me to enjoy the splendor of this world, In my own much loved special way.
I've encountered life's hardships and tribulations, Sometimes stumbled along the way, But God was always there to give me strength, Help me make it through the day.
God has often given me brighter days, Richly filled with happiness, The joy I feel from deeply within, Cannot be completely expressed.
I know this earthbound home is temporary, Until God is ready for me, He'll prepare my soul for heaven's flight, Where my spirit shall be free.
And when my soul has taken flight, He'll guide me to Heaven's gate, Where Peace,Love and Eternal Joy, Shall be my final fate.
I'll reunite with past loved ones, Blessed spirits shining bright, Where God shall be there to greet me, Encased in his Heavenly Light.
Loved ones on earth do not grieve for me, For I'll be contented in Heaven's light, Instead rejoice and be happy for me, When I've taken Heaven's flight.
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .