Date: 8/29/2001 3:11:00 PM
From Authorid: 14780
i know you can make psi-balls...although i can feel the energy i can not see the energy...although i have in the dark put my fingers very close together and can see sparks go between them...thats very kewl...i find that when opening the third eye...there is a change in pressure between your eyes..where the gland is located. There are some great informative web sites that tell about psi-balls...Lots of Love  |
Date: 8/29/2001 9:49:00 PM
From Authorid: 33357
It depends on how strong you are with your 3rd eye. What katsho said about seeing sparks in the dark is true. You can see energy physically in darker or dark rooms without having to try hard. It's just a giving. In the dark, if I look at my arms, it looks like green fire is flaring off me. It's pretty. I know I have high energy, my brother can see it coming off me in like flames of green even in the light, when he changes his view, especially when I'm doing energy work.  |
Date: 8/29/2001 10:43:00 PM
From Authorid: 35770
hmmmm u could be right ill have to see  |
Date: 8/30/2001 12:40:00 AM
From Authorid: 37411
I have never tryed to see it. new thing for me to do!!! lol. I think I should be able to do it seeing that my third eye is my most open chakra and that I have high energy. babybluemoon42  |
Date: 9/2/2001 9:15:00 AM
From Authorid: 36754
Wow,Alot of Ironic things have been happing to me latly.... ANyway, Having to do w/ energy.. Last night i was going to a movie. Well, since i live in the Lightning Capital of the world(Florida) there was this Lightning storm. It was unbelievable. I saw th energy that came from it too. It was like a cloud of lightning & then strips of grayish white energy. I was awsome. I dunno about the energy balls if you can see them(some can see them it just takes pratactice) but they can be any color. It has to do w / what type of energy you use. Thats cool the Psimage had mentioned that green flames comes from him when he practices w/ energy, I do that but i glow a sortof mello gold/yellow/white color. It is awsome. I didn't find out about chikaras until a little while ago. I found out that it doesn't really help, I think it just gets you consentrated one on spot so it makes you more focused. It hasn't made much difference w/ me. Well, i hope i helped a little. Love much~ Sparrowhawk  |
Date: 9/2/2001 11:38:00 PM
From Authorid: 33357
I said this somewhere, but worrying about your chakra takes away form actually doing the ability. You 'don't' have to worry about those little details. Now you do have them, and the more energized they are the more powerful you'll be, but you don't have to focus on them when doing something. Chakras take in energy to your body at key points keeping you energized and feeling good, you can get health related problems if chakras get messed up or blocked. You really only need to know about them if your a healer (the direct kind, not spells, rocks, tools, or rituals) if you want to know what I mean,  |
Date: 9/26/2001 9:10:00 PM
From Authorid: 42914
You don't have to make it appear. They r already there. You just start to percive a different dimension even while still in this one, and they automatically appear. But I'll tell you I hadn't even heard of energy balls till now, I just used to see them right before spirit dissociation when it was exiting my body during an OBE. |