Two guys stand in a bar on the top of the Empire State Building, and one says "You know, if you jump off the top of this building, after you pass the tenth floor, the wind will push you back to the top?" "Yeah, sure." said the other guy. "I'll prove it!" says the 1st guy. So, they walk up to the top of the building, and the 1st guy jumps off. Once he passes the tenth floor, he shoots back to the top. "Told ya!" he says. "Lets go back to the bar and have another drink." says the 2nd guy, not believing his eyes. So, they have another drink. Then, the 1st guy says "You still don't believe me, do you? Well, no problem. I'll do it again." So, they go back to the top of the building. The 1st guy jumps off, and, sure enough, he floats back to the top after the 10th floor. The 2nd guy, thinking if well, if HE can do it, I sure as heck can! So, he jumps off. He passes the 10th floor. The 9th floor. 8th. 7th. 6th. All the way down, until SPLAT! The 1st guy goes back to the bar, orders a drink, and the bartender says, "Superman, you're such a jerk when your drunk." You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 42450 ( Click here )
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