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Expecting Mothers, please read, this could save you alot of heartache. ***Shelly***

  Author:  31368  Category:(Discussion) Created:(8/27/2001 11:05:00 PM)
This post has been Viewed (3459 times)

In the past week or so I have noticed quite a few woman here on USM are either expecting a baby or are thinking about having one. First off I'd like to say Congratulations to all. Second, I would like you to read my story and try to remeber the information I am going to give you. Chances are you'll never need it, but if I had, had this information before my second daughter was born I could have saved myself alot of tears.

I went into labor with my second daughter and after one day of labor pains I made my way to the hospital. They told me I wasn't dialated enough and sent me home. Three days later, contractions 7 minutes apart this whole time my contractions finally made their way to four minutes apart. I went to the hospital again and after twelve hours of waiting and a half hour of pushing the doctor decided she wasn't coming any further. He used a little vacummn type thing to help pull her out. Once she was out we could see why it took so long. She weighed nine pounds, which was quite a shock since I had lost weight during my pregnancy rather than gain. They were expecting her to be rather small. After our first day in the hospital, the pediatrician came in to tell me her blood sugar was low, but not to worry, sometimes some babies took longer to regulate than others. So believing what doctors tell me I wasn't worried. I figured they knew better than I. They eventually put her on an IV drip to get her blood sugar up but it still wasn't going up. Again they told me not to worry. The next day the pediatrician came in and told me they were sending her in an ambulance to a more advanced hospital. I couldn't believe it. Here I was packing up to take my baby home and they're telling me she isn't coming home. I was hysterical I couldn't stop crying. I plopped my stiched up butt into my car and my husband and I drove to this other hospital and we beat the ambulance. Now the doctors at this new hospital tell me that her salt levels are very high also. They have no Idea what is wrong. She spend a week in an incubator surrounded by babies, some of which weigh less than three pounds. It was very depressing and still the doctors say they don't know what's wrong. They finally come to me and tell me they figured out why her salt was high. She had been on an IV drip so long the saline raised her levels but they still don't know what could cause her blood sugar to be so low. I spend the whole week sitting by her incubator, in a hard chair, crying my eyes out. I'm not allowed to pick her up since she is hooked up to so many wires and monitoring devices. Since this wasn't the hospital I gave birth in I don't have a room so I have to go home every night, which is an hour away. I am there as soon as they open everymorning and the last to leave everynight. I watch these poor tiny three pound babies all around me with no parents stopping by the whole week. Finally they tell me her blood sugar is a little better and she can go home in the morning. Every night I have gone home to an empty cradle and cried, but this night I am happy because I know she will be home tommorrow. I show up bright and early ready to take her home. The nurse comes in as I'm dressing her and tells me, she's sorry but her blood sugar dropped again during the night so she can't leave. Needless to say I shot the messanger. I go home again crying. Finally I come the next day and they tell me her sugar stayed up so she can go home. I take her home and a week later I take her to the pediatrician for her two week checkup. The doctor wants her blood checked so we go through three hours of pricking her heel, squeezing blood, over and over again. The tests come back and the doctor calls, her blood sugar is dangerously low again. If it gets much lower she could be in danger of having a seizure and perhaps brain damage. The doctor sends me that day to an Endocrynologist. He takes one look at the information and tells me that my daughter has a very rare disease, NESIDIOBLASTOSIS, hyperinsulinism, low blood sugar. Basically her pancreas secretes to much insulin. He gives her medication and I have to monitor her blood every time she eats. He tells me this is a very rare disease and he has never seen it in a baby so this is even more rare. But he knew what it was and fixing the problem was as simple as that. My daughter has outgrown this with dietary regulations and no longer needs the medication.

My hopes in posting this is, that if you have this information, and you have a child and see these signs, you might be more prepared than the doctors. Very few doctors knew what to look for since this is so rare, but if there had been someone who had any idea I would have been able to take my baby home on time and she never would have spent her first week in an incubator hooked up to wires. It would have saved alot of heartache. Like I said, the chances are rare this could happen to your baby but if by reading this you are prepared, I am happy to have saved you the pain I went through.

Good luck to all expecting mothers. :) ***Shelly***

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Date: 8/27/2001 11:11:00 PM  From Authorid: 35629    Oh i am so sorry that this happened to you and your baby.This is a great idea to post it for others.I am so glad that your baby grew out of her difficuties and is fine now.  
Date: 8/27/2001 11:15:00 PM  From Authorid: 19482    Oh wow, I'm really sorry about all the pain you went through!! I can't imagine how painful that would be, I'm really sorry. *hugs* I'm not planning on having a baby anytime soon (I'm only 12) but I hope when I do have a baby, everything will be ok *hugs*  
Date: 8/27/2001 11:18:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 31368    Thank you two, She is great now. I will just feel better if this post saves one woman from this pain. Even if someone reads it and passes the information along to someone else. Getting the information out there could raise the awareness. *hugs* ***Shelly***  
Date: 8/28/2001 4:22:00 AM  From Authorid: 17825    oh shelly this is terrible i am expecting a baby and this just gave me chills to think about it..do they know what causes it i mean is it a prenatl thing thats preventable or just something we should look out for they told me my last daughters blood sugar was low too but thank heavens it wasnt that bad   
Date: 8/28/2001 4:37:00 AM  From Authorid: 33925    I also have a story to tell about my second child...I hope you dont mind me using your post to tell it! :P:P...My son was born almost 7 weeks premature, weighing 5 lbs, 9 oz...when he was first born he couldnt breathe on his own, and had to be on a respirator, his lungs were not functioning on his own and he had jaundice!...Well after only 5 days in the hospital I got to take him home. We were thrilled! My son thrived in the first 6 months of his life, going from 5 lbs to 16 lbs in that time...he was a healthy rolly polly happy baby, with no problems. At 6 months I stopped breastfeeding full time as I had to return to work, so I started feeding him formula. At first I didnt think much of it when he started spitting up alot...He was what you would call a projectile vomitor..feed him 4 ounces and it seems like he spit up 8! I took him to his doctor who told me that he would settle in in time and not to worry as long as he wasnt losing weight..Well at 9 months he weighed 12 pounds! He was losing weight, plus he was vomiting regularly and also had severe diarreah..and he looked to me like he was getting dehydrated. We took him to the doctor who made the flippant reply..."is this baby really sick or is this just another hysterical mother?" I was furious!! He did nothing!! Sent us home!! I packed my son up and we drove the hour to the nearest hospital where we sat in a waiting room for two and a half hours while my son got worse and worse! Finally an old man told the receptionist to let us go ahead of him..he had seen how many times I had gone to that desk begging her to take my son in..only for her to tell me to wait my turn! we got into the room and on first glance from the doctor it was obvious that my son was severely dehydrated!! First he flew into me, thinking I had waited too long before bringing him in, and when I explained to him how long I had sat in the waiting room, he then went out and flew into the receptionist! I was told that another 10 minutes and my son would have died. He had no spit in his mouth, no tears...he couldnt even close his little eyes...his eyes and cheeks were sunk in and he had a gray tinge to his skin. My son spent three weeks in the hopital that time with the doctors running a whole battery of tests..finding nothing..over the next 9 months my son was in and out of the hospital 12 times. Nothing could be found..he would run very high fevers, his diaper would fill with blood and he had huge sores on his bottom! After 9 long and terrifying months they finally figured out what was wrong with him...He was allergic to milk!! something so simple and my son suffered for nothing! At one year my son weighed a measly 14 pounds! All this could have been avoided if the doctors hadnt spent so much time trying to diagnose my son with some big disease!! They had also started to suspect that I may be doing something to him!! Today my son is 12 years old, very healthy and happy!! He is not tiny in any way! He can drink milk now, but only in small amounts as it still upsets his system if he drinks too much! He is a member here at USM..Fire Storm....xoxo  
Date: 8/28/2001 5:27:00 AM  From Authorid: 42259    I'm so sorry for what you went through and glad you're baby is better.I'm too young to worry about this now but I'll keep it in mind someday.Thanks~prairiedawn~  
Date: 8/28/2001 5:37:00 AM  From Authorid: 42259    Ladyluck the same thing happened when my brother was around 6 months he had the same thing as your son plus he had big red blotches on his chest and face.Luckily our doc diagnosed it right away and it did'nt get as bad as what happened with your son.
Date: 8/28/2001 6:45:00 AM  From Authorid: 12004    In Canada we have excellent pre-natal care..I am pregnant with my third child and Im gestational diabetic..which means my babies have a chance of low blood sugar when they are born,...I have no concerns..my specialist is excellent and I am monitored by ultra sound monthly and then bi-weekly..I know almost exactly what each baby has weighed before they were born...I think a big difference between here and the US is that our health care is free...all my insulin supplies right down to the alcohol swabs are covered by my insurance..{free benefit at work}.....
My babies see a neo-natal specialist as soon as they are born up until the time we are discharged..then they see my family doctor..I trust our system and are very glad to be Canadian!!
I am glad to hear your baby is fine now..congratulations!!!!
Date: 8/28/2001 7:39:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 31368    Kimmy, they told us it's genetic and each parent has to carry the gene. So my husband's kids with his ex were fine because she didn't carry the gene and my first daughter was fine because her father didn't carry the gene. When my husband and I had our second child (which wasn't planned) we were very worried because there was a 50/50 chance he would have it. Thankfully he didn't ***Shelly***  
Date: 8/28/2001 7:54:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 31368    Ladyluck, of course I don't mind. How awful for you. I would have slapped that receptionist. My sister took my nephew to the emergency room once with a fever of 101 and by the time they got us in his fever was 104.5. The doctor chewed the triage nurse out because children with fever's are supposed to come directly in, so mother's remember that when they make you sit. They had to ice him down. With my first daughter, I had her at the doctor's once a week as she would wake up blue in the middle of the night choughing and wheezing. Being a young mother he looked at me like I was just being panicky and would send me home saying it was a cold. Once in a while he would order a chest xray which would come out fine. I spent three months waking up in the middle of the night, blowing in her face and shaking her to get her breathing again. Finally I decided to get a second opinion and this doctor was wonderful. He immediately, ordered and upper GI, and all sorts of other tests. He sent me to a specialist and within one day I found out she had asthma. Poor kid was practically choking to death and the other doctor was going to let it happen. The first doctor started to call for the money I owed them, and I finally told them they would get their money when I got around to it and they were lucky I didn't sue them for malpractice. They never called again. This same doctor was oncall when I had my second daughter and I told the nurses that He WAS NOT to touch my daughter. They called in another doctor for me. So mother's don't always think the doctor knows best. Trust your instincts. LL, I'm so glad you son finally got better, I can't imagine how that must have been for you. And I just knew you were going to say they started to accuse you of doing something. If the big all knowing doctors can't figure it out it must be something your doing right? (sarcasm) Thanks for the added info. ***Shelly***  
Date: 8/28/2001 8:01:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 31368    Ktsue, I know I am so envious of the health care in your country. It seems alot of lives would be saved here if they would adopt this policy. I didn't have prenatal diabetes do they never even considered this a possibility, but now they think the test was wrong. Being that she weighed so much and then the low blood sugar. On top of this I was passing out constantly during my pregnancy. One day I passed out driving my car. Thankfully my husband was with my cause it came out of no where. I wasn't allowed to drive for the last three months of my pregnancy. Can you imagine driving down the road with your child and passing out. I was really scared. Congratulations on the baby. ***Shelly***  
Date: 8/28/2001 11:21:00 AM  From Authorid: 38270    I am so sorry this happened to you. Thanks for telling us though. It could just help somebody who may go through this. Teddy Bear  
Date: 8/28/2001 2:07:00 PM  From Authorid: 12004    Shelly in Ontario every pregnant lady is tested for gesational diabetes in the 28th week..whether is is suspected or not..Im tested immediately because of my risk factors....  
Date: 9/10/2001 7:18:00 AM  From Authorid: 30807    Thanx for the information and I am glad that your daughter is ok. I will keepthis in mind. Yes I am expecting another child. I am sorry if you felt that I was attacking you in my child support post I really wasn't. Good luck in all you do. Chelle1  
Date: 9/10/2001 9:00:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 31368    Chelle, thank you for taking the time to read this, good luck and congratulations. I hope everything goes well for you. Don't worry about the other post, I let my emotions get the best of me and I may have percieved things differently than they were intended. I'm over it now, must have been pms, lol. Any way it was just a misunderstanding, and I hope you will look past my emotional outburst. I look forward to seeing more posts from you. ***Shelly***  

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