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  Author: 41646  Category:(Debate) Created:(8/25/2001 3:48:00 PM)
This post has been Viewed (913 times)

Okay...I hope this seriously totally doesn't offend you or anything you can sue me if you'd like or flame me just gimme your opinion on stem cell research, everyone!!!! Me, I'm just getting sick of this thing on it!!! Here's my opinion: I'm all for stem cell research!!! To me, the embryoes? I just think they're a potential for life, not an actual human. If the scientists manage to like, create an actual organ or muscle from one suddenly one day, I'd be veeerrry happy. That'd take care of all organ transplant shortages! We could clone a person, and let the clone only reach the blastocyst stage and then take out the stemcell mass. Then, that person would have an entirely new organ that wouldn't be rejected! Plus, I reeeaaaally hope that this doesn't insult anyone here if it does you can badmouth me or flame me, but God doesn't have anything against this! If God was just some lifeform more technologically advanced than us, he'd want us to be the next super advanced lifeform! And if he created us, then he had to find a planet, and experiment with different DNA combinations and even clone himself! To think about it, that would be pretty cool. Also, here's one last thing: Gimme your opinion!!!! Flame me!!!! Sue me!!!! Kiss me!!!! Badmouth me or pottymouth me!!!! Anything you want!!! I don't care!!!! I've given you my opinion, so now it's time for yours!

~the REALLY unsolvedmystery

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Date: 8/25/2001 3:49:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 41646    P.S.-I'd be really happy to donate my blood for scientists to experiment cloning with!
Date: 8/25/2001 3:54:00 PM  From Authorid: 15998    I think it'd be good, the question is... where would they go from there? -scooter9009  
Date: 8/25/2001 4:20:00 PM  From Authorid: 29806    U agree with you totally, I think that G.W. Bush's big problem is that he's running the country using his religious beliefs, not his common sense. Of course, he IS and idiot, so I don't know if he'd still do it. -ID-  
Date: 8/25/2001 5:36:00 PM  From Authorid: 27678    This is only the beginning and like many politicians, Bush will incremental this situation into full bore egg harvesting to create clones. Are you aware that to create a clone, you need to extract the DNA from an embryo and replace it with the DNA of the person you wish to create? That's like taking my persona and putting it in your body. Does that seem fair? It's just another form of abortion, to me. Pretty soon, we'll be seeing women kidnapped and having their eggs taken for research. Did you know that women only produce a certain number of eggs in a lifetime? Did you know that Dolly the sheep had 250+ tries done before a success? Do you realize that thousands embryos could be destroyed in order to create one clone? Do you realize that this research is the beginning of this madness? Do you realize you are completely duped into believing that they really want to save lives with this research? Perhaps they really want to make an army of clones that will destroy us. Perhaps they just want to play scientist and get us to pay for it. All I know is that this is tampering with potential human lives and it is more than a "blob" of cells. What if these embryos were to become you? WAKE UP!! It's Hitler's experiments all over again. And author, please see my two posts regarding human/mouse cells and human/animal cells and give me your opinion, o.k.? Free Girl  
Date: 8/25/2001 5:54:00 PM  From Authorid: 23610    There are many embryos being stored that will have to be destroyed. The ability to store embryos is only for a limited amount of time. Therefore, they must be destroyed after a certain date. If these embryos are going to be destroyed anyway...then I think it should be put to good use to help those with incurable diseases. I don't believe in harvesting embryos specifically for stem cell research....However, I do believe in using the embryos that are no longer going to be used instead of just destroying them.  
Date: 8/25/2001 6:24:00 PM  From Authorid: 27678    Hey Lady N, what are they gonna do if they run out of "frozen embryos"? Free Girl  
Date: 8/25/2001 7:01:00 PM  From Authorid: 24924    Again, Free Girl, YOU demonstrate that you don't know what you are talking about. You rant and rave, and wander all over the place. Stem cell research and CLONING are two seperate things. If diseases can be treated and if people's lives can be saved and or quality of life can be improved or prolonged, by the use of stem cells from embryos THAT ARE ALREADY AVAILABLE, then that is good and the right thing to do!! NO, there are not specifically created embryos just for the purpose of stem cell research! THAT IS AGAINST THE LAW! There are guidelines and specific laws AGAINST that. As for cloning? I am dead set AGAINST human cloning! Now, the only way that human cloning will be done is outside the United States. There are scientists who will do just that. It is very much (right now, anyway) against the law to do that in this country. I've read lots of material on this subject and have been following any developments. For Free Girl to go off on a wild hair, voo-doo, conspiracy theory, half-crocked "it's Mengele all over again" is simply just to shock, to incite, and bamboozle people into thinking *ALL* is bad, that ALL stem cell research is wrong. There is a saying: "Prayer won't cure AIDS....RESEARCH WILL" and THAT is the truth.  
Date: 8/25/2001 9:21:00 PM  From Authorid: 23610    Free Girl...as long as there are things such as in vitro fertilization there will be excess embryos. More embryos are created than are always needed in these cases....since no one can tell how many must be developed before a pregnancy actually occurs. There is also the fact that when an embryo is used for stem cell research the use of the stem cells can follow a line by creating more stem cells from them.  
Date: 8/25/2001 10:47:00 PM  From Authorid: 27678    Thank you, Thinker, for once again, pointing out how ridiculous my VIEWS are - and if I am so FAR OUT TO THE RIGHT, then why are you concerned about my ability to what was that ...."to go off on a wild hair, voo-doo, conspiracy theory, half-crocked "it's Mengele all over again" ...to shock, to incite, and bamboozle people into thinking *ALL* is bad, that ALL stem cell research is wrong? I would think that IF I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT, then the many other "smart" people on this site, would see right thru my WHACKED OUT, FAR RIGHT WING, MILITANT VIEWS and LOL. Don't ya think? Lady N, I can see your point, but I do feel that some concern about the expansion of this research in the future is not to be ignored. Sorry for posting a response here. Free Girl  
Date: 8/25/2001 11:04:00 PM  From Authorid: 24924    Well, I am sure it may be a real surprise to YOU, dearie, But MOST people on this site can do just THAT, Free Girl. Trouble is, you haven't paid attention.  
Date: 8/25/2001 11:31:00 PM  From Authorid: 27678    Oh is that right? Why don't we just lay down the gloves here and you just come on out of the "closet" so to speak and just tell me, what is your problem with me? Are you asking me to leave this site, cause MOST people can see through my views, and are LOL? So much for free speech, huh? Free Girl  
Date: 8/26/2001 11:57:00 PM  From Authorid: 27608    Well, this is weird. I agree with alot of things but,
this is confuzing. I am a girl, human, and has feelings.
But, if they want to do stem cell research, what
will they want to do next? And, I think if they saved
lives by doing it that is good but, if killing human
embryos to make life for others would it be good or bad?
Would this kind of thing mess up human nature? So many questions but,
no answers. Would GOD want this type of thing to truly happen?
I really don't know much about this subject but, I'm willing
to say how I feel.

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