Date: 8/23/2001 1:29:00 PM
From Authorid: 19092
Oh geezz, here I thought this was about aliens or something. I'm am happy for you.  |
Date: 8/23/2001 1:31:00 PM
From Authorid: 16061
LOL. I just popped in because I thought what is this post about. I cannot use contatcs because my eyes are to dry. Hope you got on with them.  |
Date: 8/23/2001 1:37:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 37774
LOL! King Caspian!lol*smiles*  |
Date: 8/23/2001 1:47:00 PM
From Authorid: 42259
Congrats! they are way better than glasses!i just got blue ones too. I got mine when I was 13 how old are you? prairiedawn  |
Date: 8/23/2001 2:36:00 PM
From Authorid: 24734
Wow!! I can remeber like it was yesteday when I got my contacts. I lovd them. Aren't they GREAT!! lol... I'm 13 too..  |
Date: 8/23/2001 3:28:00 PM
From Authorid: 5353
I didn't get my contacts until I was 20, just got sick of adjusting my glasses all the time. Still switch back and forth on occation, but I like my contacts. *grinz* I like the natural colour of my eyes (grey/blue with a hint of green) so I didn't get colour contacts, just the 2 week disposables.  |
Date: 8/23/2001 4:03:00 PM
From Authorid: 39258
yes, contacts are sooo much better than glasses. I like my eyes, so mine aren't colored. i know, how boring, but oh well...i just spent like, 5 dollars on cleaning solution today lol oh well. have fun with the contacts...remember not to sleep in them!!!!! -telsha  |
Date: 8/23/2001 7:06:00 PM
From Authorid: 30401
cool! want some blue contacts!! i don't need them but i want those non-prescription ones! i think it would be tight to have blue eyes  |
Date: 8/23/2001 10:51:00 PM
From Authorid: 3321
My contacts are clear so people can see my real eye color, but they are like a second layer to my eye. Unless my eyes are too dry then I don't even think about them or notice I have them in. They look so cool under blacklights, too. They glow this weird green color and you look very alienish.  |
Date: 8/24/2001 10:25:00 AM
From Authorid: 4887
How cool I have clear contacts right now.. my natural eye color is green and brown... but I wasnt to get some violet contacts Or those aqua colored ones  |