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What's wrong with potheads?

  Author:  35054  Category:(Discussion) Created:(8/11/2001 12:04:00 AM)
This post has been Viewed (2698 times)

hello, I was just wondering about what is so bad about potheads. Usually when ever I mention the word "pothead" people immediately get all rude and start ignoring me. They act as though those people are the worst criminals in history. Me, I disagree.

For one, you may thing that potheads are stupid for what they do, (somke marajuana), but it's actually safer than you think. For instance, you CAN OT DIE directly from pot. There is no such thing as "pot poisoning" or overdosing. If you do have too much, then you just kinda puke and go to sleep. That's it. No hangover, or extreme tiredness the next day.

Secondly, you say "Well why are they killing all those braincells." It is a scientific fact that Air kills brain cells as well, plus, your inteligence does come back after you stop smoking weed. (Proved in colleges all over CAnada.) And even if you do kill some brain cells, so what? You don't kill nearly as many as alcohol. (If you smoke pot once in a while.) (But the problem with pot is it's cheap, and therefore, you don't need much money to be entertained for hours.) POT IS NOT ADDICTIVE. Trust me on this.

Thirdly, some poeple think that pot heads are like crack heads, you know, steal everything in site to sell it for their habbit. I think not. As I said, pot is not addictive, so therefore, why steal? 99.9% of the pot heads I know have never stolen in their lives. (The one percent being recent PCP addicts gone to pot instead.)

And lastly, It's illegal. OK, so it's against the law, The only reason why it was made that way was bc the government wanted to stop the hippie movement that was spreading around rapidly. So they made all the drugs illegal, and that made it possible to arrest more of the protesters causing the trouble. I mean think about it. The government really would take an easy way out of things (like that), now wouldn't they??

So as you can see, there is no real reason to hate potheads, they won't attack you, or breakin and steal your stuff. All they want to do is just sit there and eat. (And they don't even mind working!!! Imagine that!). So why are people persicuting them, just for a leasure activity? Do they hastle people when they drink? no, but they hastle potheads. What are your thoughts?


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Date: 8/11/2001 12:15:00 AM  From Authorid: 34912    um... I'm happy that you are a proud 'pothead'... now go take a shower, you smell terrible and NO MORE MUNCHIES!!!!  
Date: 8/11/2001 12:20:00 AM  From Authorid: 38589    I agree with you. I would rather have people smoke pot then drink beer and that stuff. Personally I think it is up to the person, and no one should put them down for that. Maybe all the people that look down upon people that smoke pot should try it sometimes to relax alittle bit and clear their minds. Also to get the sticks out of their butts and live once in awhile. I say do what makes you happy even if the government doesn't like it =). **Katherine**  
Date: 8/11/2001 12:22:00 AM  From Authorid: 5484    kills brain cells,like alcohol and other drugs and such...  
Date: 8/11/2001 12:25:00 AM  From Authorid: 35160    i agree with u , good post  
Date: 8/11/2001 12:35:00 AM  From Authorid: 13897    LOL!!!! uhh..i don't know what kind of potheads YOU know, but my best friend is...was..is...was...i dunno, lol..and he's the LAZIEST person i know. i doubt the pot did that to him, though. i agree with you here for the most part. i think it's cool if you do it once in a while- nothing is good if you let it control your life. money, shopping, drugs, TV, etc. and i HOPE that pacific soul person is joking because i found that comment extremely rude...and i think also that they need to read the post before they comment because you said you think it's dumb therefore, i HIGHLY doubt you are a "pothead". *rolls eyes* yeah, i think something's up that person's....butt...lol.  
Date: 8/11/2001 12:38:00 AM  From Authorid: 27051    ya, you're right! time to toke some...  
Date: 8/11/2001 12:45:00 AM  From Authorid: 35663    Its not scientifically proven that pot kills brain cells. And even if it did, it wouldnt be from the plant itself it would be from the chemicals some drug lords put in the weed to keep the drug sniffin dogs from smelling the weed. I could be wrong. But, there is nothing wrong with potheads.
Date: 8/11/2001 12:49:00 AM  From Authorid: 34912    I was just trying to say something funny... it's late. sorry  
Date: 8/11/2001 12:50:00 AM  From Authorid: 40881    i dont smoke the stuff..just because of the way it makes me feel tired,lazy,dry mouth.but i do agree with everything you said!my father makes over 200,000 a year,head boss at intel,and plays 8 instruments!he is sooo smart..he is also a (POT-HEAD)i just moved to oregon and was so surprised to see so many people smoking pot. moast of them have it growing in the back yard!i think its better for you then drinking...and thats legal!where i lived before you would go to jail for 1 joint but its not like that here.its almoast like it's legal!just like with anything i think if you use it & not abuse it it's okay.i cant stand being high but if you like it thats fine with me!*daijha*  
Date: 8/11/2001 12:58:00 AM  From Authorid: 21867    Yo,
WHERE DID YOU GET YOUR FACTS? Sorry...but people can and HAVE died from smoking marijuana...that IS a fact. Yes it kills brain cells...you say your intelligence comes back after you quit smoking? Hmmmm...interesting...what about loss of short term memory? That I'm afraid doesn't come back so easily...for the area of the brain that deals with short term memory is not so regenerative as the rest of that grey matter in your head. Lung cancer...heard of that? Yes...tobacco kills FAR more through lung cancer...but sorry...dope does too. Then there are other effects that pot can trigger...it has been known to trigger heart failure, unconsciousness which has led to brain damage...it has been known to spur off latent mental illnesses such as Drug Induced Psychosis, Schizophrenia and various mood disorders. Then of course ya get the many people who are killed every year through the illegal trade of it. So dope is harmless you say? Not so. But then again...there are so many other harmful substances around that ARE legal...I will grant you that...but don't fall in the all that pot propoganda of 'Its Harmless...no one has ever died from it'...maybe those people just forgot...seeing as how it affects short term memory and all *smile* Peace,
Date: 8/11/2001 1:01:00 AM  From Authorid: 13897    oh, yeah...hehehe...uh, other than the fact he's lazy, he has the worst memory. =) i have to remember everything for him, lol. so nice of me, huh?? hehehheheheeeeeee! (^_^)  
Date: 8/11/2001 1:07:00 AM  From Authorid: 14247    I dont know. If everything in this post is true, then my perspective has changed. If things aren't totally true, then my perspective hasn't changed much. I still think that you should not have to take a drug to feel good about yourself, unless it is an antidepressant prescribed by a doctor. That's JMO though.  
Date: 8/11/2001 1:07:00 AM  From Authorid: 19384    Okay. First off, I agree with what you say to some extent. About why the government made it illegal, I'm not so sure. Now, I don't smoke pot myself. I used to, but I didn't like the way it was affecting me. Want to find out just where "potheads" stand? Go to http://norml.org/. I hope this doesn't break any USM rules. If so, please delete me.  
Date: 8/11/2001 2:47:00 AM  From Authorid: 3835    The Government made it illegal so that the cotton farmers could take over, simple as that..... read your stuff! (that is to author 19384) THC has beneficial properties as well.  
Date: 8/11/2001 3:27:00 AM  From Authorid: 8905    the only problem I have with them is the fact that when people are high, they do stupid things. I have seen it happen over and over again and I hate it. I used to smoke weed and I quit, because it was messing up my life royally. It is because of personal reasons that I dont associate or talk to pot heads.  
Date: 8/11/2001 3:29:00 AM  From Authorid: 8905    other than that, I have no probs with them... as long as they leave me be.  
Date: 8/11/2001 4:27:00 AM  From Authorid: 25828    Pot IS addictive, but only psychologically. never puked, never had a bad physical reaction, but i can get upset in mood and mind if I'm out. i started 10 years ago and luckily i've got enough brain cells to lose quite a few and still be doing better than fine *-) it makes me calm and relaxed..focuses me. and the ones that smoke pot that i know can all afford it - would never steal. you'd be amazed how many business professionals smoke that you'd never suspect by the look of them 8-) - daijha - there ARE lots of computer people that smoke - i'm one and i know MANY others.  
Date: 8/11/2001 4:54:00 AM  From Authorid: 27852    can't agree with you more.....good post here!  
Date: 8/11/2001 6:29:00 AM  From Authorid: 15394    Just for one second think too... we take artificial drugs for moods etc... what if POT were "god's" natural aintidepressant??!!   
Date: 8/11/2001 7:01:00 AM  From Authorid: 35941    Potheads don't bother me none. I'm kinda neutral on this subject. One thing I do believe though...it does have long-term effects. Such as memory loss, mood disorders, paranoia & anxieties. Maybe not right away, but in the long run it will catch up w/ you.  
Date: 8/11/2001 7:49:00 AM  From Authorid: 6003    I have to agree with you. Many of my friends are as you say "potheads". Marijuana is an herb, and it works very well for pain relief and nausea. It can be made into many other useful products as well. To look at my friends who use it, one would never guess that they do. One is a very good lawyer, one writes programs for computers, one is in a political position. They are wonderful people who go to work every day and pay their taxes and bills on time. I think it should be legalized. The government puts it in the same class of dangerous drugs such as heroin and cocaine, and that is just plain wrong.  
Date: 8/11/2001 8:30:00 AM  From Authorid: 41977    The name and termonology "Pot Head" is such a misnomer. Do we call people who drink beer, "Beer Heads?" What about those who chose to smoke cigarettes...well ok "Butt Heads." Early in the last century all drugs were legal but alcohol was not. The movie "Fantasia" was designed, scripted and assembled by a person who enjoyed his opium, it is told. Many, many of the folks from that time frame talk about the "bathtub Gin" home-made beer and home-made wine. Stills are in existance today. Once alcohol was legalized, drugs were outlawed. This included the "Coke" in Coke, "it's the real thing". The drug movement went on to include the drug "LSD" which was made by the government and given to humans to watch responses. The drug, at that time was legal. Once the government realized that LSD was being utilized by the "Hippy Movement" for entertainment purposes, it too was put on the list of drugs considered illegal. The medical uses of marajuana are well-founded. It helps people who are suffering from pain, chemotherapy, eye problems, etc. In an effort to clear up some confusion as to which is worse: When did you last hear of a person on marajuana speeding down the highway causing severe injury to others in head-on crashes? Those smoking are usually sitting at the red stop sign (I said sign) waiting for it to turn green! ...xtra...  
Date: 8/11/2001 8:38:00 AM  From Authorid: 16164    YOU SOUND LIKE MY MAN........same exact excuses he uses, but ya know what it is addictive I knw because i had a few friends in rehab for it...they did steal for money.....they did wake up sick, they did have withdrawl aftre quitting.....and this is one of the most rediculous things I have ever heard just like I tell my man  
Date: 8/11/2001 8:44:00 AM  From Authorid: 16164    but than again I am the way I am because of everything else...maybe I would think different if things werent so screwed up here in my area.....all the kids start on pot and work their way up.....there is such a problem here with drugs it aint even funny......so I do think there is a problem with pot.....along with everything else  
Date: 8/11/2001 10:04:00 AM  From Authorid: 16069    Pot is addictive. I know a lot of people who smoke dope. And I could care less. Its their choice, and I think that "potheads" are more preferable to hang out with, rather than drunks. I dont like to smoke it, it makes me paranoid, hungry and tired.  
Date: 8/11/2001 10:48:00 AM  From Authorid: 36766    I dunno what to say .. all I can really say is there is nuthin wrong w/ bein a pothead lol well not in my eyes there isnt anything wrong w/ it   
Date: 8/11/2001 3:13:00 PM  From Authorid: 40881    oh!! i just remembered somthing..its been so long ago.when i was pregnate a few years ago i lost 35 pounds in 2 months(real BAD morning sickness)i was admitted and was being fed threw tubes!they could not get food to my baby!there last resort was to give medication that could harm the baby!i was crying,my hubbie was crying,trying to decide whether to do it or not,well the nurse came in and told me she could lose her job for saying this..(try smoking pot 3 times a day,relax,and im sure it will work)omg i was like im not doing that while im pregnate!but my choice's weren't any better..so i talked to my doc about it and to my surprise..he said(you should try it for a few days..if you still cant hold any thing down..i will give you the med's)what?he was born 5 months later 7lbs-5oz.he is also well above avrage..im not saying use drugs while your pregnate but it did work!*daijha*  
Date: 8/12/2001 12:41:00 AM  From Authorid: 13897    i think drugs are good when they are used to help someone- not to control their life. i know how that can get. =)  
Date: 8/12/2001 1:11:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 35054    uh, Hairbear, are you sure they were addicted to pot, and not heroin. Pot doesn't have anywith drawls (and trust me on this one, I was the biggest cronic pot head). Maybe they were on crack. Those withdrawls sound like heroin withdrawl... (seriously). -Kitsune  

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