HI!! You might be wondering what the heack I'm talking about, well, now you'll know. As you might already know, my user name is Kitsune. I stole this name from a character I made up 5 years ago when I first started to write novels and drawing anime. I needed a character that I could practise drawing, so I made up a little fox girl and named her Kitsune (which is japanese for fox.) And I made her last name Cuteness to get the innocent thing in there. Well, when I was writing, I found that she was in almost all of my stories, so I decided to develop her character more. She's a cute little red head with 2 little ears perched on the top of her head.
At any rate, thanx to her help, I survived all those boring math classes. (making up silly comic strips with her in them.) I even made up a different version of alice in wonder land where Kit drives everyone else nut instead of vice versa.
You might be wondering by now why I have a post on a character I made up. Well, I just wanted you all to know the real Kitsune instead of the chick who constantly uses her name (me). (Plus it's really late, and the most important thing to me right now is talking about my pride and Joy creation.) :) Thanx for reading my rambling.
-Kitsune How it changed my life:I used to get so stressed out, but after I made her up, when ever I got stressed out I would just draw and write about her, and I would feel all better and relaxed. (and no, I do not go into denile. :) ) You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 35054 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .