This is a silly conspiracy, I know, but think about it. OK grapes, every one drinks grape juice or wine or eats rasins at some point in their lives, right? So there fore you have some grape running through your system. SO if the grapes ever elected a leader, and decided to take over the world, it would be easy. The grapes would just have to make themselves be eaten, (and seeing as they have no bodyparts, if they were concious, it would have to come from their juice) they can just get the neutrients that flow to your brain, and POW! you're a slave to the grapes! They would be able to control you! (seeing as you are what you eat) And then they would take over the world! Imagine it, grape farms EVERYWHERE!! nuts eh? Just shows you what flows out of my head.
-Kitsune How it changed my life:I don't like grapes. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 35054 ( Click here )
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