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USE ENGLISH! ...posted by Silverhour

  Author:  5353  Category:(Suggestion) Created:(8/4/2001 11:02:00 AM)
This post has been Viewed (1751 times)

Once again, I feel inclined to call people on thier blatent abuse of the Engish language. This is getting out of hand. For chat purposes, great, use all the slang and short form you want. But when posting a story, it's a real eye-sore to see words like pepl, gov'ment, koolies, u, r, y... I could go on for a while, but I think you get my drift. Is the extra keystrokes really that hard to do?

One letter words bug me the most, like "u"; is a "yo" to hard to put in front? Are the "a" and "e" so offensive that the word "are" has them removed? Come on people, the words are short enough as it is, do we REALLY need to shorten them even more? I could see using accepted short form, like gov't, for example. It would be better than dropping 3 letters from gov'ment, you might as well have put them in for all the effort an ' would create. Maybe it's just me, maybe my typing skills give me an air of superiority in this field. Maybe for people who are "one-key wonders" it takes too long to hunt-and-peck for every key. But if you're taking the time to write a story, you should put the effort into it.

Punctuation is another important point to focus on. Periods end sentences, they break the flow of a line into understandable sections. Quotation marks surround a persons speech, and are often used to emphasize specific words. Apostraphes are used to indicate compound words. (You are = you're) Commas are similar to periods, indicating a pause in thought, but not neccesarily the end of the thought. And paragraphs people, don't forget about them! You have to put a double line between them, because of the way USM reads your submissions, Hit the enter key twice, and it'll space them properly.

As in my pervious rant on this subject, I know I am not without fault, but at least I make an effort to write as legable as possible, and I use off site spellcheckers to correct any words I just can't get. Please people, I beg you, put some effort into your stories, take your time and spell words in an acceptable, readable, manner.

As a side note, and often a lot of people overlook this, the characters ' and " often come off as ’ and “ or ”... this is because the font used here at USM doesn't support the open and close quotation marks, and some forms of the apostrophe. They are just generic marks. Some fonts used in other text editors will put the open "double 6" and close "double 9" that confuse USM, which only uses slightly slanted lines, regardless of open or close. So, after doing a cut/paste from another editor, and submitting it, please read and update your story to eliminate the &# numbers, and put the appropriate punctuation.

Ok, I'll get off my soapbox, put my high horse in the stable, and hopefully I won't have to say more on this subject.

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Date: 8/4/2001 11:08:00 AM  From Authorid: 18870    LOL. I do agree with you though and I always wonderd why some of the stories had all those little marks in them...  
Date: 8/4/2001 11:09:00 AM  From Authorid: 34163    If this were a place for formal writing, I would agree with you, but USM is for fun. A lot of the people here have different levels of education and some don't have the ability to write better. Or, they are just enjoying themselves. (Did you only use proper Engligh when you were a teenager?) The person's ideas should count, not their "shorthand". By the way, many people that use the internet can type well.  
Date: 8/4/2001 11:10:00 AM  From Authorid: 38192    lol, It is hard to read. But I must admit I get lazy too!!!  
Date: 8/4/2001 11:12:00 AM  From Authorid: 16845    *Stands up and applauds* I couldn't agree with you more! It really does annoy me when people abbreviate simple words like 'you' I can understand some of the longer words that actually do have recognized abbreviations.....but yeesh...anyway I COMPLETELY agree with you! It almost makes you feel like the person typing the story or reply doesn't have enough time to write a story and/or reply......(Did that make sense?)   
Date: 8/4/2001 11:12:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 5353    I agree it's a place to have fun, and I'm not trying to discourage people from writing, I just wish some people would pay more attention to what they type. And yeah, I've always tried to use sentences and paragraphs, punctuation and proper spelling, regardless of the subject matter. That doesn't make it any less fun, but it does make it easier to read.  
Date: 8/4/2001 11:13:00 AM  From Authorid: 1432    I agree with PioneerWoman.. we all have our pet peeves about things and this is obviously one of yours lol.. You have your right to your opinion.. but I have managed to figure out what they are saying.. its just them being themselves ..  
Date: 8/4/2001 11:15:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 5353    Dewdrop, I know what you mean. Thats how I feel too, why not take the time to make it understandable, if you think it's that important to write about in the first place.  
Date: 8/4/2001 11:15:00 AM  From Authorid: 3688    well said love, i've said before i can understand some shortening of words, however when every other word is slang it's ridiculous   
Date: 8/4/2001 11:16:00 AM  From Authorid: 13079    r u talking to me? *giggle* I'm just messing! Remember....I'm the one with the nerf bat! *smile*  
Date: 8/4/2001 11:18:00 AM  From Authorid: 1631    *Applauds* I have been feeling the same way, Silverhour! I use some slang in the chat room, but I always try to make my posts as easy to read as possible. Truth be told, if I pop into a post and it's all run together or in CAPS or just a mess in general, I won't even comment. If people are too lazy to put any grammatical efforts into their posts, then I'm just to darn lazy to read them and leave them a comment. Good post (and easy to read! lol)...  
Date: 8/4/2001 11:21:00 AM  From Authorid: 15362    Sorry, but is this English 101? DessieDee  
Date: 8/4/2001 11:27:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 5353    no, but it's not kindergarden either, there should still be some attention given to the proper spelling and word usage.  
Date: 8/4/2001 11:31:00 AM  From Authorid: 1799    Very well put, Papa. I, myself, can deal with "u" and "r" since i use them myself, but as for all the slang stuff, that just is hard to read..although, i do eventually figure it out. I agree with u, but I also agree with Banner and PioneerWoman. Good post, Papa *hugs*  
Date: 8/4/2001 11:34:00 AM  From Authorid: 13371    I agree, this place needs to use their English lessons a bit more. A lot of stories posted make no sense at all because of all the missing words or punctuation or misspelled words. A lot of them I read half way through and just click off of, it's too much effort to get the many times simple story behind it. As Silverhour points out, it's not that hard. I was never good at English but I surely manage to eek my way through. As for teenagers using proper English, Pioneer Woman, when writing for school assignments, etc. it is required so why not get in the habit of using it? No businesses or colleges want to see u, r, y, and the other shorthand terms on their applications so it's not going to kill them to add the two key strokes that make u a real word and give r meaning. Y u ask? For one thing, respect. Anyone with a computer and enough brains to use it can spell "you," I have no doubt. It is also confusing, needless, irritating, and just plain old bad manners. No, this isn't school, but the government forces kids into school for a reason, to learn. No sense in wasting all those tax dollars just to laze around computer screen and post nearly indecipherable messages. Morrigan
Date: 8/4/2001 11:45:00 AM  From Authorid: 21233    sometimes i spell out the words i use but sometimes i dont u understand now  
Date: 8/4/2001 11:50:00 AM  From Authorid: 34912    ur losing it ppl. 2much 4me. ~pS~  
Date: 8/4/2001 12:15:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 5353    thanks pS... you just proved my point...  
Date: 8/4/2001 12:30:00 PM  From Authorid: 17795    i like the shortened language just as much, its sometimes easier to type if u r in a hurry  
Date: 8/4/2001 12:43:00 PM  From Authorid: 24924    I agree with Morrigan. If a post is nothing buty r u 's or n e 1's and little or no punctuation, or using all caps, I don't even bother to read or reply.  
Date: 8/4/2001 1:32:00 PM  From Authorid: 34775    I don't think that it's much of a big deal to actually write out words..if you are a decent typer, it comes automatically anyway..some of the abbreviations are hard to take and I, much like many other will just ignore those posts. Besides I LOVE words and the looks of words..I was an English major in college, ya know! Thanks Silverhour for bringing this issue to light~Anabel  
Date: 8/4/2001 1:52:00 PM  From Authorid: 277    I totally agree with you! They might do it because they're just lazy or because they think it looks cool. But, to me it just looks uneducated. Granted, not all of us are English scholars, but it's obvious when someone writes like this on purpose. Good post.  
Date: 8/4/2001 3:49:00 PM  From Authorid: 23948    woah I think you're taking this too way seriously! This isn't a school report and this isn't a spelling B... It's for fun! Just lighten up a bit.  
Date: 8/4/2001 8:48:00 PM  From Authorid: 27678    Gee sweets, r u for real? Get a grip. We need to develop a secret code for when the war starts, don't we? Free Girl  
Date: 8/4/2001 9:15:00 PM  From Authorid: 27051    r u s'ying dat we r n't s'psed 2 use sh'rt form NEmore? y? j/k I pretty much use good english  
Date: 8/5/2001 1:07:00 AM  From Authorid: 35160    i am sorry , but i like writing that way , it saves me time, so i can get on 2 the other stories, lol, i am guilty of it, but i cant help it , sorry , lol,  
Date: 8/5/2001 1:09:00 AM  From Authorid: 7952    I agree with you...i cant even stand using the short hand in the chatroom...its easier for me to type it all out the proper way..but i dont really have a problem in reading it...good post *hugs*  
Date: 8/5/2001 5:19:00 AM  From Authorid: 3835    I could not have put it more eloquently than this. I too, agree that there should be more emphasis on grammar and punctuation, as well as the correct spelling of words too. Great post SilverHour! I feel this was a necessary posting, and! It may help those who do not understand why some people just don't care to read a story or to even leave a comment in a story "dat iz typt like a dis". YO! U a lisnen to th' man? Lol... sorry, got lost in the thought and could not stop! *hugs*  
Date: 8/6/2001 2:08:00 AM  From Authorid: 8374    i guess i agree with you but after reading this post i felt like i was back in school wait...do i have to make my i's bigger? I'm sorry...but as for the people that do that..I guess it's because they are lazy which is the case for some but for others it might be because they don't know how to type and they have to do it one key at a time..and I guess they just get frustrated so they do that...heck that's what I did when I started learning how to type..lol..but you have a point   
Date: 8/6/2001 7:04:00 AM  From Authorid: 19275    I agree that it makes things difficult but I'm from the UK and sometimes when I write the English slang comes through and people don't understand me so I tend to try and type deliberatley and it takes me a while!!!! People use shorthand cause sometimes they dont know how to type properly and it takes them a while or they are in a rush!!!!! Also the spelling problem! Most Americans Don't know that the proper spelling for, as you spell, color is realy COLOUR!!!!!!!!!!!! Go check it in a Collins Dictionary if you dont belive me. I gues what I'm bablin on about is the fact that some people are the worst spellers in the world, or have bad punctuation skills (like me)and coming on to USM is a release after spending the day being told, Thats not right, or, do it like this!!!!
LOL ~*Red dragon*~
Date: 8/10/2001 11:11:00 AM  From Authorid: 26321    I agree ! We should only have USMers who can write properly . If its broke, fix it ! We need to go forward not backwards .  
Date: 8/10/2001 12:16:00 PM  From Authorid: 12411    I agree with you that many writers on USM are sloppy. I know I make mistakes too, but I at least try to make my work readable. If more people would speak up, like yourself, the website could be more enjoyable to read. JJ
Date: 8/11/2001 12:06:00 AM  From Authorid: 38119    I completely agree, I can't stand all this poor spelling and punctuation. I usually just don't bother reading those posts, because they are confusing to read and sometimes make absolutely no sense. That's why I don't go into chat rooms, because it's even worse there. Atrocious spelling is one of my pet peeves.  
Date: 8/11/2001 12:21:00 AM  From Authorid: 19273    Pioneer Woman, I'm a teenager, and I use proper English...honestly, I don't find it that hard. I agree with you, SilverHour. Some posts are hard to take seriously when they look like they're written in some kind of code, or written in all caps. And for those of you who say it is quicker to write using the Netspeak versus proper English, how much time can two or three extra keystrokes take up? Half a nanosecond, perhaps? And for that, you will get more respect. Not that hard of a bargain, is it?  
Date: 8/11/2001 12:22:00 AM  From Authorid: 19273    
Red Dragon, there is British English versus American English. We Yanks spell it color. You spell it colour. There is no right or wrong way (except if you spell it kulor *sigh*). Oh, and I just remembered one huge pet peeve of mine: when no distinction is made between "its" and "it's" ("the dog wagged its tail" versus "the dog wagged it's tail", which would actually be saying "the dog wagged it is tail".) Now, this doesn't annoy me as much on USM, but when usually professional companies make this mistake in advertisements and catalogs, it really ticks me off. Don't they have editors there, or people who are supposed to look for these mistakes? Arrggh!
Date: 8/15/2001 11:14:00 PM  From Authorid: 35720    True.. very true. I am really picky about proper usage of grammar and spelling also. Good post!  
Date: 8/31/2001 11:15:00 AM  From Authorid: 36901    I agree to an extent. I have been known to throw in a "u" or "r" so that doesn't really bother me. What bothers me is when you try to read a story and every other word is misspelled and or no unctuation. I am not the most accurate speller, but I do make an effort to get things right. Good post. ~Apryl~  
Date: 8/31/2001 11:16:00 AM  From Authorid: 36901    oops...punctuation*  

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