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  Author:  16612  Category:(Human Interest) Created:(8/1/2001 1:52:00 PM)
This post has been Viewed (1669 times)

Have you heard of obsessive compulsive disorder? Do you suffer from it? In case you do not know, it is a disorder that can mainfest intself in many forms.It makes the person who has it obsess over certain things, and feel extremely compelled to do actions.Many of these things have to do with cleanliness.Many people who have OCD are very paranoid of germs, and take extra, and somewhat odd and extreme precautions to be clean.Another way which OCD manifests itself is by making some people feel compelled to do certain actions.For example, a person with OCD might make a habit of tapping the refrigerator door twice each time he or she opens it.Another example would be to blink eyes, or to swallow.I have OCD.I do take medicine for it, but it only helps a little bit.My OCD symptoms are things such as having to shower at least 5 times a day, thouroughly washing hands many times a day, being paranoid of germs, and extra careful, only eating certain foods which I consider "safe",for example, if my family cooks hot dogs or something gross in the microwave, I have to thoroughly clean it out myself before I feel safe enough and clean enough for me to use it, which I cover my safe food with several layers of plastic wrap.Counting things that don't matter like floor tiles, doors, or other things, blinking my eyes more than normal because my mind tells me that if I don't then they will get clogged with germs.I almost always find myself wearing black, or other dark colors and weird clothes,but that's more of a personal taste and is not a problem.I will not go in a hospital building or other medical facility because I am paranoid of diseases and I have a phobia of it.I constantly need to know what time it is.I obsess over things a lot, for example, I cannot live without computers or the internet.I absolutely cannot go in bright sunlight.I stay inside almost all the time and rarely leave because public is full of germs, and I also cannot stand bright sunlight.I will not use public restrooms.I won't even walk into a public restroom because,like I said, I'm paranoid of germs. I have panic attacks, like if I'm in a crowded place, and I'm anxious and irritated by listening to the foolish common people around me, I just can't take it and I whine and have a fit until I get away from the unbearable annoyance. It takes me a long time to prepare a meal for myself, because I can't touch anything or let my food touch anything like a table or counter or hands.Basically, living with OCD stressful and annoying because it makes you feel compelled to be extra clean, or extra careful, and it also annoys other people because it is a burden upon them to have to go out of their way to meet your standards.Do you have OCD, or any obsessions and compulsions like that? If so, are you on medicine for it, and how do you deal with your Obsessive-Compulsivity?

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Date: 8/1/2001 1:57:00 PM  From Authorid: 23991    I agree. I have OCD as well, but I've been trying really hard not to take anything for it. I suffer minorly from the germ thing, I blink a lot because of it, and I also do the counting thing. I used to think it was out of boredom, but my doctor told me that combined with all my other symptoms was OCD. I also suffer from SAD, which is similar..  
Date: 8/1/2001 1:59:00 PM  From Authorid: 14780    i dont take medicine..but i have this disorder about time...my family laughs at me but i cant help it...i check my alarm 5 times before i go to bed...make sure its on am..not p.m...make sure the sound is up...i have to make it to work 30 minutes before...doctors appointments 30 minutes before my appointment to make sure i get there on time..i have a fear of being late to anything...i start to have a panic attacks if i feel that im running behind schedule...that is of any schedule of anytime...but i do feel for you because i can understand where your coming from...lots of love  
Date: 8/1/2001 2:02:00 PM  From Authorid: 19384    Yeah, I think everyone has it to some degree. It does manifest itself in different ways. I could write a whole on it. There's such a stigma attached to mental illness that it's good to see people admit it without being ashamed. It is an illness, after all, a chemical imbalance and it can't be helped. It's like getting the flu. You....Oh oh, here I go. I'll shut up now......  
Date: 8/1/2001 2:05:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 16612    Yep, a chemical imbalance.  
Date: 8/1/2001 2:09:00 PM  From Authorid: 23796    So Your OCD and Agoraphobic. That is not uncommon to have them go Hand in hand. I have children that have OCD tendencies because they are on the autistic Spectrum. I, Myself, have my own tendencies. LIke having to have my Knick knacks having to be arranged "Just SO" they have to be Proportioned "Just RIght" Everything has to blend "JUst SO" Because of a case of food poisoning I got, I absolutely have to cook my Chicken to the point it's almost tough. I also have fear's of being late and get panic attacks if I am late. I have panic attacks that I have to talk myself out of if I lose something. I can't stand being Constantly rubbed up against nor can I stand being in a Crowded place. I also think I could have SAD because of my moodiness during change of seasons or when there isn't enough light in the house. I have to check Doors, coffee Pots, and Alarm clocks. Sometimes, i get this idea in my head about the Fire alarms..try to go to sleep, can't ..then you'll see me up testing the fire alarms at 1am to make sure the batteries are still good.  
Date: 8/1/2001 2:12:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 16612    Yeah.Paranoia and OCD go hand in hand too.  
Date: 8/1/2001 2:15:00 PM  From Authorid: 17693    hmmmm....i do that shower thing. I think i take about 5 or 7 each day. And if i do have to go out...and i do hate it too. People just look like such disgusting slobs to me. I think i use that little hand sanitizer stuff like 30 times in an hour. i totally agree with you on that light thing. Although i dont exactly live for the interent or live on it i cant find myself w/o it. One of my kinda OCD things is having things places in EXACT certian spots around me. Like i WILL NOT and CAN NOT sleep if i know there is a chair all the way over across the room where i cant see it or in another room facing the "WRONG" way. And i dont think its just about being finicky....or maybe this is, but things like clothes and towels HAVE to be folded and put away in an exact order and manner. Anywho....i dont think i have anything severe enough to where its hard to live a life and i need medication.  
Date: 8/1/2001 2:20:00 PM  From Authorid: 18516    Yes I know what it is. Both my parents suffer from it. My mom was able to overcome it but still has obsessive thoughts. It is a tough thing to get over and I've watched my parents struggle with it for years and it is hard on them and not to mention me. Some people just don't understand the disorder.  
Date: 8/1/2001 2:21:00 PM  From Authorid: 18155    I have treated patients with OCD, as a psychologist,in conjunction with a psychiatrist,, when meds. were ordered,and it can be a very frustrating illness, for both those providing treatment, the patient, and the fa  
Date: 8/1/2001 2:28:00 PM  From Authorid: 25390    I have OCD in the same way that Auntie Katsho does: time. I will check the time every 10 to 15 minutes, even if I don't have anywhere to be. I always have to know what time it is because I will start panicking. I have to be everywhere on time or before because I hate being anywhere late. If I don't know how long it takes me to get somewhere that I have to be, I will drive there and back days before so I will know for sure. I'll time it on my car clock, my watch, and my clock at home. If I wake up in the middle of the night, I will either sleep in my contacts or have my glasses nearby so I know what time it is. I usually cannot sleep all night because I'm paranoid about the time. Every time I look at my watch, people ask, "do you have to be somewhere?" I can't help it. I also set all my watches and clocks 5 mintues ahead. If the clock on my computer gets off track, it drives me crazy. OCD is quite annoying sometimes, and I wish I could get to where I don't have to do this all the time.  
Date: 8/1/2001 2:48:00 PM  From Authorid: 34578    i have OCD also. i do the blinking thing and my parents yell at me becouse it take about 3 one and a half hour showers a day. and i also get very disturbed buy the littlest things  
Date: 8/1/2001 2:57:00 PM  From Authorid: 33682    I'm a psych major, and it was OCD which really got me interested in psychology! My uncle has OCD. His compulsion is hand washing. He was a grown adult before he was diagnosed. OCD is an amazing disorder, and one of the most interesting things I've ever studied in my life. I actually wrote my term paper on it. Did you know that even some animals have shown sympsoms of OCD!?? There's a GREAT book on OCD out there called "The Boy Who Couldn't Stop Washing." It has a ton of information in it, and really gives good insite on the Workings of the brain and case studies. I'd recommend reading it if you're curious about Obsessive Compulsive Disorder! Thanks!  
Date: 8/1/2001 3:09:00 PM  From Authorid: 33682    I forgot to mention something...everyone has obsessions and compulsions, but that doesn't mean you have OCD. I mean no one likes germs, but that doesn't mean you're phobic, or have a chemical imballance causing you to hate germs. There's a point at which things go from a normal obsession or compulson, to an actual mental disorder. To be diagnosed with OCD your obsessions and compulsions have to be life altering in some way. Take for instance hand washing. I wash my hands every time I use the rest room, because I don't want to get sick. Now a person with OCD would most likely wash their hands for no reason, just because they "feel" the germs on them. My uncle once tried to wash his hands in acid. Obviously that was life altering. His Obsessions and compulsions were leading to threatening behavior. There's also another disorder that many times goes hand in hand with OCD, it's called Trichotillomania. It's obsessive hair pulling. After my family heard of this, they started recalling instances when my uncle, as a child, would wrap his hair around his fingers tighter and tighter until he would actually pull his hair out! It's amazing how, when looked at close enough, many of the disorders are linked together. I think it's because so many of them are caused by the same chemical imbalance. I believe that OCD is caused, at least in part, by a serotonin imbalance. There are a TON of disorders caused by a an imballance of serotonin! Anyway, I'll stop now. I could go on forever...I love to talk psychology.   
Date: 8/1/2001 5:12:00 PM  From Authorid: 37872    Well besides learning how everyone one on USM has some sortof psychological disorder, lol...am I safe...I found your article very interesting. Curious though, were you actually diagnosed or do you just know about OCD and know that you have it.? Also, have you ever delved into it a little deeper? Ya know, figure out when it started, how it started, when you realized that it was not so normal behaviour? It interests me because I know quite a few people who have similar to exact conditions but don't really admit to it or seek help because of it. I guess it doesn't really matter if they do or not though, as long as they don't hurt anybody or themselves because of it. Ra.  
Date: 8/1/2001 5:25:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 16612    I'm diagnosed and I take a lot of medication for it.  
Date: 8/1/2001 7:48:00 PM  From Authorid: 13897    I DON'T!! hahaa!!!! *sticks out tongue* hehehehe i'm too lazy...god, it's good if i take a shower every day, lol. besides- when no one sees me, i don't see the point. ehehhee...and i LIKE eating with my hands. =)  
Date: 8/1/2001 8:57:00 PM  From Authorid: 31048    I was never diagnosed with OCD, but when I was younger I had this obsessive weirdness about reading things backwards. Every time I saw a word or number I would read it forwards, and then backwards. I HAD to do that EVERY time. I don't do that very much any more, but now I have this weird thing about brushing my teeth. I have to brush my teeth like 10 times a day because I can't stand the thought of having film on my teeth or germs in my mouth. Ugh..it's awful! When you think about it, it really takes over your whole life, you know?  
Date: 8/2/2001 6:42:00 PM  From Authorid: 19613    I have a really compulsion with making things even. If I'm looking at an object I sometimes have to count all it's sides to make sure it has an equal number. Or any time I see a small bunch of words on a TV screen, I have to count them to make sure there's an even number of words. If there's not, I'll count the letters instead, it's really weird and annoying.

I also cannot stand bright sunlight. If I'm ever forced to be in it I can barely see properly and it feels like the heat of the sun is draining me, and making me weak.
Date: 8/2/2001 7:08:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 16612    Yeah, me too. Symmetry is a major sympton of OCD.Trying to make things even.  
Date: 8/3/2001 7:57:00 PM  From Authorid: 13484    I'm self-diagnosed with OCD. I am always nervous. Most of my nervous habits are self mutilating, such as pulling hair out of my head and scraping myself. I'm also very introverted, so I don't talk to people very much. Paranoia has more to do with that, though.  
Date: 8/5/2001 8:24:00 PM  From Authorid: 39538    I know a person like this. Maybe you should go to a psychiatrist. You probably already have though.
Date: 10/9/2001 6:53:00 AM  From Authorid: 37669    my bad ocd trait is picking my food. i HATE finding veins in my chicken! ARG!  
Date: 4/24/2002 8:38:00 AM  From Authorid: 25856    hmm...i never really thought of this. i check clocks at least every two minutes, why i don't know. every night before i fall asleep i try to find out what time exactly it was, and when i wake up the exact time, then figure out the exact number of hours/minutes/seconds i slept...kind of a habit lol. i also need to keep things symmetrical, even in the form of pain. for example, if i twisted my ankle or something, i wouldn't be able to rest until the other ankle had the same amount of pain in it. as i said, i never really thought much of these things..lol. maybe i have something...*shruggs*  
Date: 7/17/2003 9:31:00 PM  From Authorid: 23619    I think Nick Traina from Link 80 had OCD which was sad cause he was also bipolar..  
Date: 1/29/2023 4:59:00 PM  From Authorid: 21435    OH Lord! I'm with "SiLint Li" I don't want to see no veins in my chicken leg, either!  

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