OK, well. I went to sleep over at a friends house for a couple nights and the weirdest thing happened, I had 2 dreams that connected to eachother. The first night's dream went like this (Oh yeah, I dream in colour, not all people do, you know.): I had just moved in this old castle place with 3 of my friends Ryan, Tim, and Bryan. AS soon as e got there we all decided to go to bed, and inside my dream I had another dream that something bad was going to happen, I saw ghosts in the yard and they were warning me that the house was cursed. At that point in my dream I woke up and went down stairs and found, to my surprise, that Tim wanted to go for a walk (Tim in real life is kinda lazy and never really goes anywhere, no ofense to Tim, but he'll never read this.) But for some reason it was still dark and as we walked through the yard it looked EXACTLY like the yard in the dream I had had in the dream. And all of a sudden the same ghost popped up, and me and Tim went running home. Then I woke up...NIGHT 2.... That night I went to bed, and my dream picked up from where it left off, I was running to the catle thingy and when we got there we found Ryan hiding in a cupboard, and he said that "They" had taken Bryan and KItsune (Kitsune is a character I ,ade up and obsessed over drawing for many, MANY years, I have no idea why she was in that dream.) I remember screaming "NOOOO!!!" in my dream and then I made a plan to rescue her from them (I then found out that "Them" were people who looked like the striotypical witches, but acted like zombies) But then I woke up. I never got to see the end. What do you think?
-Kitsune How it changed my life:ever since then I've been having really long and funky dreams, ie:"the MAfia" dream. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 35054 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .