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I think this was so rude!!!

  Author:  28660  Category:(Discussion) Created:(7/30/2001 8:49:00 AM)
This post has been Viewed (1408 times)

We went over to my in-laws house last night. I very rarely go over there because they always do something to tick me off. Last night was no exception. Anyway, several of their grandchildren were visiting from up north. My father in law started talking about how fat his grandaughter was right in front of her. He called over one of the other grandkids who was the same age. He told him to stand next to her. He said "See thats what size you're supposed to be". He laughed like he thought he was hilarious. I wanted to wring his neck. How cruel is that? I bit my tongue until we got in the car and then I told my husband what a jerk his father is. Except I used more colorful words lol. Anyway, he said thats just the way his dad is and he doesn't mean anything by it. Just because he's ignorant is no excuse, I'd still like to smack him. Wouldn't that make you mad? Dust Bunny

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Date: 7/30/2001 8:53:00 AM  From Authorid: 3648    I would be very mad and upset....that wasn't right out of him to do that. That poor child had to feel so bad, and to think her own grandfather made her feel that way....I think I would have said something to him.....  
Date: 7/30/2001 8:54:00 AM  From Authorid: 36459    Hey Dust Bunny -- I agree, did anyone stop and talk the little girl so she knows that she is fine just he way she is? I think that I would have stepped to the plate right then and there, so "granpa" would have had to know that his comment was hurtful. Some people need to be hit over the head when it comes to their own innappropirat behaviour.  
Date: 7/30/2001 8:55:00 AM  From Authorid: 40145    I agree with grey eyed lady. poor thing. ~Panther lover  
Date: 7/30/2001 8:55:00 AM  From Authorid: 15998    That's horrible! If I were you I don't think I could have holded back. Two of my younger cousins are giong through the same type of thing. They aren't fat, but every time their grandma's friend comes over she talks about how fat my two cousins are. I don't think it's right to rub something like that in people's faces, true or not. -scooter9009  
Date: 7/30/2001 8:56:00 AM  From Authorid: 12876    I think i would call him on the phone and explain that while he may not have meant anything,it had to hurt his granddaughter,and making fun of ones weight isn't the way to get them to lose it,it is the way to depress them into doing something stupid,you had every right to be upset,and your husband should not overlook such rude behavior as this,WHAT IF IT WERE HIS CHILD?  
Date: 7/30/2001 8:57:00 AM  From Authorid: 33925    Oh I dont think I would have been able to hold my tongue there!! LOL..I would have been speaking before I even realized what was coming out of my mouth! That is terrible..I think in the future you should make a point of pointing out some of his ummmmm....less than perfect attributes! xoxo  
Date: 7/30/2001 8:58:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 28660    Believe me, I wanted to say something. But, I've done it before and it turned in to a huge fight. I didn't want to do that with all those kids there.  
Date: 7/30/2001 8:59:00 AM  From Authorid: 24758    Those types of comments can and usually do cause longstanding psychological damage. I would have spoken up and tried to undo what he said. I know it's hard to change old people it's true. It's just too bad he didn't learn to keep his mouth shut if he had nothing positive or constructive to say.  
Date: 7/30/2001 8:59:00 AM  From Authorid: 22065    Yes, he sounds very arrogant. I have a cousin like that. He invades your space with rude comments. I'ts one thing when you go to someone's house, you really cannot say anything. But my cousin will be at a family gathering and just constantly put others down. Just remember that he's (father inlaw) the one that looks like an *$$. I know it's hard to ignore though.  
Date: 7/30/2001 9:03:00 AM  From Authorid: 39671    What does your hubby mean "thats just the way he is" Just bc thats "just the way he is" dosent mean that its okay. This makes me upset bc my hubby is the same way. If the table was turned and my parents had said something like that it would be a different story. I feel this so much. How sad for the girl, that had to be so embarrasing. You know that girls get that kind of crap in school by there school mates. You know how children are. But coming from a grown man, gheese. Family members are suppose to be the ones to come to with there problems. The little girl should have pointed out to him one of his faults, or is he one of those few exceptions here on earth that dont have any faults. I have met a few like that. Sorry if I sound rude, but this story reflects alot on my life, my husband, and my father in law  
Date: 7/30/2001 9:03:00 AM  From Authorid: 27004    How thoughtless of him... Geez, those are his grandchildren for god's sake. He should be cuddling and loving them not hurting feelings. What an awful person  
Date: 7/30/2001 9:04:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 28660    This man is mean. He abused his kids when they were growing up. I absolutely hate to let my kids go over there.  
Date: 7/30/2001 9:04:00 AM  From Authorid: 22065    Also, it might make you feel better, next time to just take the girl into your arms and let her know what unconditional love is for the time that you all visit. I doubt if she gets allot of it. Actions speak louder than words.  
Date: 7/30/2001 9:07:00 AM  From Authorid: 22065    Also, it might make you feel better, next time to just take the girl into your arms and let her know what unconditional love is for the time that you all visit. I doubt if she gets allot of it. Actions speak louder than words.  
Date: 7/30/2001 9:08:00 AM  From Authorid: 14168    that was very rude
Date: 7/30/2001 9:12:00 AM  From Authorid: 33573    That would be RUDE! You shouldn't joke about stuff like that! Thats why people feel so self conciouse and stuff! That is very mean! Knowing me I probably would have said something!  
Date: 7/30/2001 9:13:00 AM  From Authorid: 31707    That is totally and utterly wrong. For years I thought I was FAT because my grandmother used to call me ms pudge. I was 5 of course I was pudgey. and the feeling carried through my teen years caused annorexia. and really screwed me up.  
Date: 7/30/2001 9:17:00 AM  From Authorid: 12876    I still say I would call him on the phone where the kids aren;t hearing it,and tell him what i think,I would even go so far as to tell hubby that if HE ever is rude and obnoxious to my children and insulting as that I willl tell him off and I or the kids will not go back until an apology is given  
Date: 7/30/2001 9:24:00 AM  From Authorid: 37994    That is cruel,that poor girl all she wants is to be loved
now she won't want to go over to her grandparents
house because of him, that is sad.
Date: 7/30/2001 9:26:00 AM  From Authorid: 22065    If he is or was abusive, I would refuse to visit next time. I know it will probably start trouble with your husband, but he should understand you don't need your kids exposed to that lifestyle. Has he ever commented about any of your children?  
Date: 7/30/2001 9:40:00 AM  From Authorid: 16069    Yes! I feel bad for the little girl. Thats something that will stick with her.  
Date: 7/30/2001 9:47:00 AM  From Authorid: 40290    Wow, I can't believe someone could actually do something like that to a child. Poor thing! I believe biting your tongue at the time was probably best. If you said something it probably would of turn into a huge fight. People like him do not see errors in their ways, and you would probably never beable to make him see that what he did was wrong. I just hope he does not cause the poor girl to develope a bad eating disorder. I agree she needs to be comforted and know that she is perfect and does not need to change for anyone  
Date: 7/30/2001 10:25:00 AM  From Authorid: 24856    That is cruel and something this little one might carry with her the rest of her life.....I hate it when family is always comparing one child to another.....each one is unique and precious in their own way....each should be appreciated for their own special traits.....Yes, this would make me mad and I've seen similar occurences happen in other families.....  
Date: 7/30/2001 10:35:00 AM  From Authorid: 13546    My goodness he had no right to say that, I would be SO mad. *shakes head* some people have a "sick" sense of humor, that only THEY get. Its so stupid, the poor girl. Nice way to bring a person down.  
Date: 7/30/2001 10:36:00 AM  From Authorid: 40765    That is so horrible!! OMG! I can't believe he did that. I would be so mad. That's really cruel. ~Rainbow Unicorns  
Date: 7/30/2001 10:40:00 AM  From Authorid: 16912    That was VERY RUDE! That poor little girl.   
Date: 7/30/2001 10:43:00 AM  From Authorid: 30747    Oh I would of been so mad. My favorite neice who is 11 has a little weight problem and I would seriously go off on anyone who hurt her feelings like that. OMG does that man know what he's doing to that childs ego? That's abusive and I don't give a darn who he is...he needs to be taken down a few notches. ohhhh I'm mad right along with ya.  
Date: 7/30/2001 11:20:00 AM  From Authorid: 23796    I have a grandmother & Grandfather who are like this. I can't stand it and I think it's rude. You'd think after years of living on this earth they would know better. I'm the outcast of my family because I speak my mind. I always tell them if that was uncalled for.LOL  
Date: 7/30/2001 11:38:00 AM  From Authorid: 8941    That was cruel. That is something that will stick with her for the rest of her life because she was humiliated by a family member in front of family members.  
Date: 7/30/2001 1:51:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 28660    My husband tries to make me feel guilty for disliking his parents. But isn't it obvious why I do? I have about a gazillion more stories that are just as bad as this one.  
Date: 7/30/2001 1:58:00 PM  From Authorid: 22065    Well I hope your husband realizes what you sacrifice when it comes to the "outlaws". As well as appreciates you for being a good person.  
Date: 7/30/2001 2:25:00 PM  From Authorid: 37812    I would be mad!!!Children, especially girls, start being self-conscious about their appearance @ early ages nowadays so we should be sensitive to that.Thats really uncalled for, Id set him straight on the teasing.  
Date: 7/30/2001 2:57:00 PM  From Authorid: 19220    I'm with you.  
Date: 7/30/2001 6:04:00 PM  From Authorid: 15362    Those word will stay with the child all of her live. It could cause a eating disorder. Once word a spoken, they can not be earsed. DessieDew  
Date: 8/11/2001 9:12:00 AM  From Authorid: 18506    no, thats not right at all. my youngest sister has always been VERY overweight and even though she starves herself sometimes, she will always be big. and she has had to put up with a lot of tears in her life due to peoples crewl jokes. peace,  

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