What is the point? What is the point of getting so upset about things that can be changed? Even if it has been happening for a long time. Like broken promises, or bad attitueds from people, or being in love and having you're heart broken. Really, what is the point? Everything can change. Do you think that the souls that ended their own lives are happy about it now? Even in heaven I am sure they are still asking Jesus for advice. Well, I think that every life has some kind of meaning. Even if you think that you're life is worthless, look around. Actually, anytime I get really upset, I go to the nearest place where people really have it bad. I know it isn't very polite of me to feel better about seeing others that have less then me, but at the same time I think of just that. Look at all the people that have way less then you do. Do they have a warm place to sleep? NO. Do they have family meambers that are willing to take them in? NO. Do they have clean skin and hair, or food in their stomach's? NO. They have none of the little things that we take advantage of everyday. So when you are sitting there and thinking of all the things that are getting you down in life, it is a known fact that these thoughts will train into even worse thoughts. So instead of thinking of the crappy things. Think about the ways you can change them. Sometimes if feels hopeless for everyone, but there are the few people that can change everything for the better. And belive it or not, you are one of them.EXPOSED. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 27365 ( Click here )
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