Date: 7/27/2001 3:36:00 AM
From Authorid: 17673
oh, thats scary. it must have been so frightning. I ahve never witnessed anything like this, and i hope i never do .  |
Date: 7/27/2001 3:39:00 AM
From Authorid: 7952
Wow...i hope that i never have to witness something as terrible as that...i am so sorry for the family and for all who saw it...*hugs*  |
Date: 7/27/2001 3:42:00 AM
From Authorid: 8374
omg that is soo sad and i cannot believe that the owner could be so RUDE! I never witnessed a death before..and I never want to...I think I could never handle it...I'm so sorry you had to witness that  |
Date: 7/27/2001 3:43:00 AM
From Authorid: 3835
This is so sad..... yes, I witnessed a woman pass away before my eyes in a nursing home I used to work at about ten years ago... she kept screamming, "Mary, Mary, Mary......". She was a catholic woman I knew from her medical charts, and behind her was a statue of her Mother Mary. I walked over and got it, gave it to her and she smiled sweetly, looked me in the eyes, and said to me, "Goddess bless you my daughter". She knew I was Pagan, and still, knowing it was not of her faith, she still blessed me, a Witch. She died after kissing the statue, and the real strange part, it was raining that day, and as she kissed the statue, a ray of sunshine came into the window and was shining on her head. It was the most beautiful thing and yet saddest thing that I have ever witnessed, seeing life and death in a second of time...... I walked outside of the nursing home only to see a rainbow outside in the sky that appeared to be hovering kinda, over that nursing home. I sat on the bench outside and wept.  |
Date: 7/27/2001 3:46:00 AM
From Authorid: 3835
I should add to my post that yes, I did call for the head nurse right away before stepping outside.  |
Date: 7/27/2001 4:18:00 AM
From Authorid: 5818
Oh my Belgian I am sorry you had to see that I know you must have been scared and felt pain for this person.  |
Date: 7/27/2001 4:29:00 AM
From Authorid: 19625
OMG, that's sad, and scarey. I've never seen a person die, and I hope I never do. And the owner of the resturant sounds like a jerk! Much Love,  |
Date: 7/27/2001 4:47:00 AM
From Authorid: 15823
That was one hell of an experience, Belgian. It must have been very distressing for everyone who saw it - and I can imagine just how his wife felt. Yes we should all appreciate our loved ones a lot more (and show it) because we just don't know when we'll be parted. XXXX  |
Date: 7/27/2001 5:04:00 AM
From Authorid: 41366
This things happens, as some people say, "#hit happens and then, you die"  |
Date: 7/27/2001 7:04:00 AM
From Authorid: 22852
It is very scarey indeed. And yes I have had something like this happen to me as well. But I feel in my heart when it happens this way it is a message to pay attention to life and live it to our best.  |
Date: 7/27/2001 7:28:00 AM
From Authorid: 4548
i saw a man died of a heart attack in a mall about 10 years ago. it was awful. to die in a public place like that, surrounded by strangers. i'll never forget it.  |
Date: 7/27/2001 7:32:00 AM
From Authorid: 31837
Wow. What a sad thing to see :0( I have never winessed that sort of thing before, but my mother has witnessed a neighbor committing suicide OUTSIDE (of all places) before. She needed a little counseling for that one... ~t_dub~  |
Date: 7/27/2001 7:53:00 AM
From Authorid: 34225
that must have been horrible i have never experienced anything like that in this life and hope i dont! wish u all the best:-) ~golden pyramid |
Date: 7/27/2001 8:21:00 AM
From Authorid: 12823
Very sad. Sur5r- that was beautiful.  |
Date: 7/27/2001 8:46:00 AM
From Authorid: 15657
I've never even been to a funeral, or a wake, or anything, let alone whitness a death.  |
Date: 7/27/2001 8:53:00 AM
From Authorid: 29781
we saw something very sad... this was ab out a year ago... y fiance and i were driving to Best buy... well the street we were on is called Cooper street (in arlington, tx) it's a street but very big an is busy like a freeway... it's actually very dangerous road wrecks all the time has tons of stores, shops restraunts etc... well we were driving and traffic suddenly came to a crawl.... we were about to pass the Sonic (food place) where we saw on the road a man laying there...a bag of food had been thrown in front of him and we knew he had tryed to cross the street at the dangerous corner and was hit by a car... he was not moving and there was a pool of blood around his had just happened because there were people around him but the ambulance was just pulling up.. it was so sad...i don't think he was alive... people don't realize it just takes one moment of stupidity.... imagine trying to run across the freeway and outrun the cars becuase that is what it is like. the worst part is had he just made a lil extra effort there was a light with a crosswalk just up the road a bit...  |
Date: 7/27/2001 9:14:00 AM
From Authorid: 3648
This is so sad. I witnessed a car accident a couple of years back and I thought the lady was going to die, but she didn't thank GOD cause I doubt I could have handled it, with being the only with her until help came. My brother when he was 15 or 16 , he was working at a school and a bad wreck happened right in front of the school and he went out to help until the paramedics got there, he had two ppl die right in front of him, they were young around his age at the time. It left a big impact on his life, we walked away knowing life is never to be taken for granted. And that you should let the ppl in your life know how much you love and care about them now....  |
Date: 7/27/2001 9:49:00 AM
From Authorid: 17693
oh my.... thats really frightening... i never actually saw a man alive for a few seconds and then see him dead. My uncle died in the room next to me when i was younger and i didnt really notice till i got up to go say hello and found my dad hysterical and a bunch of ambulances in my front yard! I think your story is creepier though.  |
Date: 7/27/2001 12:20:00 PM
From Authorid: 25183
I witnessed my father's death, and was glad all of my family was there. We were able to hold his had and be near him as he exited this world. I would not have missed it for anything, I felt at peace because he was not alone when he passed. DoodleBug  |
Date: 7/29/2001 7:57:00 PM
From Authorid: 38256
That is awful! I hope I never have to witness anything like that! You can bet that I'll be more appreciative of the time I have with my loved ones. E-cutie86  |
Date: 8/21/2001 3:11:00 AM
From Authorid: 21435
Hello Belgian. It is indeed a hard thing, to watch another human being pass away. Reminds us of our own mortality. Your story was well written. I enjoyed it. Write on....  |