Date: 7/22/2001 11:37:00 PM
From Authorid: 35160
i did , my dentest gave me valioum b4 i went 2 see him, and i never felt a thing , and it seemed 2 go by real quick,  |
Date: 7/22/2001 11:42:00 PM
From Authorid: 28336
the dentist will freeze it pretty good first....and if they have what is called "the gas" have them use does not hurt real bad....after the tooth is pulled and the numbness wears off then it is kind of uncomfortable but nothing that is not tolerable....they will probably also give you a pain reliever to take afterwards.....the one you really want to talk to about this is Skyafawn she is a dental hygenist (spl) i will go and get her author ID for you now and post it.....just message her and she can tell you exactly what they do....peace love and harmony....  |
Date: 7/22/2001 11:44:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 29625
Thanks!  |
Date: 7/22/2001 11:45:00 PM
From Authorid: 28336
skyafawn's author id # is 18506....message her...she can tell you anything you want to know.....peace love and harmony...  |
Date: 7/22/2001 11:56:00 PM
From Authorid: 19625
Eeek, not yet, I only have 1 wisdom tooth, and my mommy didn't have any, which is pretty rare. I don't know what it feels like though. Sorry I'm no help. But it can't be as bad as what happend to my friend... the dentist pulled hers without even numming it first... oowie! She scrame really loud and wouldn't let him finish pulling them. Much Love,  |
Date: 7/23/2001 12:18:00 AM
From Authorid: 18866
Hey, its not that bad - I had mine removed w/o the freezing. I just felt alot of tugging and thing the weird feeling of the tooth being removed. I suffered very little. But remember in the long run, this is what has to be done, and will be done. Good Luck! Cinseer  |
Date: 7/23/2001 4:35:00 AM
From Authorid: 10245
I don't have any and will never get them....this makes me wonder....will I never be wise, or am I already wise enough? (I've been told many times that I'm a wise-(butt), but I don't think that's what they meant....heehee) I took my brother to have his didn't look too fun! Good Luck, Hope they shoot you full of novacain and other good stuff!  |
Date: 7/23/2001 9:13:00 AM
From Authorid: 23685
Hi..I have asst. the oral surgeon many times while they have extracted wisdom teeth..It all depends on how the teeth are positioned as to how they will remove them..Some Dr's will give you valium to relax you before taking them. Make sure they numb you enough, some Dr's get in a hurry and don't wait for the Novacaine to take complete effect...The most important thing is the post-op instructions they will give you..Like no smoking for 24-48 hrs. and no spitting, chewing in that area and no hot or spicy food and more..Most Dr's will prescribe a pain reliever like Vicodin or T-3 and alot of times they will prescribe an antibiotic..I had mine removed and went right back to treating patients, so I have to say the healing process is determined by your own body, some swell up like chipmunks some have no swelling at all...Good Luck.  |
Date: 7/23/2001 11:22:00 AM
From Authorid: 20873
I had mine done a long time ago... It was not a bad experiance for me. HE shot me up w/ whatever it was and I was on cloud nine! lol then he put the shots in my mouth!! lol,( you dont care , you are in la,la land) and poof** in minutes he is done. I made sure my ice pack was right there on my face right after in case I bruised(some people do easy). I didnt. You will ooze for a while after its gross.....eewwee now its got me thinking....remembering.... I wanna  |
Date: 7/23/2001 11:24:00 AM
From Authorid: 20873
mine were cut not pulled.....(two) then about a month later I had another one done not impacted......Now I HAVE one left......ewewew.. Just if your gonna get them done try getting all of them out at once. ITS cheaper and easy for you.  |
Date: 7/23/2001 3:12:00 PM
From Authorid: 16845
hehehe I had the IV drip so I was off in sandman land the whole was just when I woke up I had the probs. lol you really don't want to know. lol just some words of wisdom....LET the nurses HELP you to the recovery room, or you'll end up on the floor, no joke......when you get home LAY down, if your sitting constantly up the bleeding takes longer to stop, and last but not least when the perscription pills say EAT before you take them THEY AIN'T KIDDING! you don't eat your praying to the porceline gods for a all of this is from experience......thank god you only have to go through it once! Good luck!  |
Date: 7/23/2001 3:13:00 PM
From Authorid: 16845
and Dina's right, get them all done at once if possible, mine were all done at once. lol I extended my spring break (junior year) by two days cause of it....  |