lately, i have been trying to have an obe, but i have been unsuccessful. will i ever really accomplish an obe? i have also een trying to open my third eye. will i accomplish that? i have been feeling weird lately, and undescribable feeling. like, everything is so familiar but its not deja voi (is that the way you spell that) also, i know the following are really dumb, but i would really like to know since there is financial thiings involved. let me put this simple so you wont have to read everything that i would like answered over. = )~
will i ever have an obe and if so, do u know when?
will i open my third eye, if so when?
will i get new glasses frames or contacts? more then likely i will just get the lenses.
my pals are kinda separating now, so my friends (changed names) kelly and luna want me to hang around with them but kelly has other friends (kelly & pals are guys) michelle and beyonce. so, will we all get along together? that is me, luna, kelly, michelle, and beyonce? will anything bad happen if we hang around eachother such as getting our girl pal sal mad coz of her and kelly's broken friendship?
last question, i think = )~ well, i am supposed to be having a debut, a party when i turn 15. we booked a hall and everything, but i dont want to have it. i asked my pentagram oracle board if i would end up having it and it said no. is something gonna happen for the reason that i wont have it?
thank you for taking the time to answer this. = )~
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