Joy is an overture for an empty theatre stands. I have bought my happiness with a remote made in Japan. Everything is left to lose when darkness start to fade. The sun make me forget so many things about me.
A river has just die in the palm of my hand. A favorite secret has just come to life, by wearing pain as a shirt and regrets as pants. The birds are now gone to find food somewhere else.
This world is strange, there's addictions everywhere. On the corner of a street where a symphony used to play, I bought a ticket for a play called "Somewhere in front of me" I saw my life passing by with actors as my eyes. One part was in darkness and the other was with lights.
My heart is an open door but my head is holding the key. I saw in the faces of the actors that they wanted to say something else. The audience was watching unaware of what was really happening.. A bird sitting beside me said "Your remote is useless here..." "When i look at you i know exactly in which hand my nest had bleed" Than the bird was gone and i realised there wasn't any audience.
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .