Dear USM Family...
I don't remember if I've ever told you the things I've wanted to, so here it goes. I don't know if you all can relate to how much you've changed my life. I hope so, because it's a feeling that will never go away, nor change. Everyone should have the bliss of feeling it.
To my Mothers (both of you). I miss you both terribly whenever you're not around to take my hand and guide me through my trials and tribulations. Whenever my real mother isn't around, you were both there to give me the advice that was always right. I'm proud to be your daughter. (To PKid and KikiTimes)
To my Father. I wish I could see you more often, but when I do you always brighten my day with a joke and a hug. Never knowing the joy of a father, I'm glad I met you. You helped to fill that void in my life/heart, and for that I am forever greatful. (RAM)
To my Aunt. I've always known you as an Aunt, a great person, and friend. You've always been there when no one was around to pick up my shattered pieces, and I hope I've done the same for you. I hope to grow up and be exactly like you - a strong woman who can survive anything (Mrs. Sass/Sassy Girl)
To my Uncle. lol I remember when you messaged me, complaining that you weren't in my profile. "What, Uncle Radman isn't good enough for your profile???" You know you are, and I'm proud to say that I'm your niece. You invited me in with warm, open arms. (Radman/Admin)
To my Brothers. What can I say about you? One of you is a complete womanizer, but there's just something about you no one can resist! The other is always concerned with how you are, and always there to give you a good picking on! You two are the brothers I never had. (Sundance and Prime Suspect)
To my Sisters (all 24 of you). What would I do without ALL of you? Without a shoulder to cry on, an ear to whisper to, or someone to laugh with, I think I'd go completely insane! I can remember chat room parties, nights of private mesaging, and being scolded by the admins... I love you guys. (Smile2Death, Corky, Amers, Lady Dina, HG Daisy, Rainbow Angel, Bunches~o~Hunny, Jasmine L, Sweetart, QTKC, BRITLOVER, StarFox, Karaoke Queen, Star Chazer, Danielle, Ashley (Daphne), Valley Girl, PerfectGirl, Frizz, Kitten Baby, Snowy Owl, Tiffany, Silver Angel, Pikachu, Moon Star and Scrappy)
To my Niece. I wish I could see you so much more than I do. I've enjoyed being there when you needed an Aunt to talk to. I've enjoyed the experience of being an aunt, and I look forward to seeing you blossom into a beautiful young adult (I sound like my Grandmother - Geesh). (Blah)
To my Cousin. It's great having you around! I've loved talking (erm... gushing?) about the gorgeous hockey players that parade through your working environment every day! It's good knowing you'll be there for me when I need you. (Boofy)
To my Grandmother. You were one of the very first people who caught my eye the moment I saw you! You're by far one of the most caring, loving, and special people this site has been graced with. I love you very much and I'm glad to be in your family. (Linda)
And lastly, to my Children. Though I have only been your USM Mother for 8 days, 14 hours, and 56 minutes (but who's counting? lol), I feel like I've been a part of your lives since we met. No one could be as proud of the USM children as I am of you two. (Wild Magic and Gabz)
That is my wonderful USM family. I'm sorry if it's lengthy, but no fewer words were good enough for them. I love them all, they have made such a big impact in my life. I love you all.
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