My father is a stubborn man with a hard personality, raised on a farm in the middle of 6 envious and b*itchy sisters, a mother who cared for her daughters only and a father who only cared about the work being done. His friends always had more money than him, he was considered OK to help, but too low to party with.
My father's youth caused him to be bitter about life, to think of women (he married my mother because he kind of had to) and to build up a high wall around his heart.
The high wall was brought down a bit with each child that was born in our family (I have two brothers and two sisters). But still, life with my dad was a life of waiting for him to get home from work, waiting to see in what mood he was and then perhaps get a little bit of attention.
Now you all think when does she get to the point of the moon. Well here it is : we used to visit one of my mom's sisters, who didn't have kids of her own, so we came to think of her as our second mom, a second home where we used to spend a few weeks of our holidays and where we could do whatever we wanted to.
We were leaving my aunt's house after our weekly visit and the moon was a really big, bright dish in the sky smiling down at us. We kids were all excited about it, so my dad came up with the idea to tie the moon behind the car, so that we could still enjoy it at home. All the way home, he regularly asked to check if it was still there, and we kids looked out the window, searching the big ball in the sky that was (of course, but what did we know) following us. We had the ride of our life. After we got home, we got out of the car and my dad untied a small rope from the bumper of the car and set the moon free again, and leaving us kids behind with the idea that we had the greatest dad in the world, that evening...
Years have passed since this happened, we still don't know where he got the rope from and this is one of the stories that comes up whenever we're talking about our childhood.
My dad has had his difficult years in which he had to work hard to support a family of six on his own, in which he stopped smoking, started drinking. He could be silent for weeks, in which he only went to work, ate, watched TV and slept. But nowadays, he is a great granddad for our children, a big help and advisor whenever we need it. We didn't understand what he had gone thru in the past, but we have come to understand it now. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 7672 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .