Come sit beside me, little one, "Dry those tear drop's until, there are none "There's so much I need to tell you, so much you need to know, "These word's I speak, I speak for you,praying you will remember them, as you grow" "First, Listen to your parent's each and everyday, "Kneel by your bedside, and learn how to pray" "Remember, we all have choice's and some are hard to make, "Someday's will be wonderful and some, hard to take" "Remember, what you have been taught,strive to do your best "You can count on other children to put you to the test "Those are the time's you will feel God's Love, and the warmth of his care, from up above "You must do your part, to be all that you can be "In the end it will be worth it all, "Such Love, and achievement's you will see" "Hold" tight to your dream's, for they can, and will come true, "Follow the path of happiness, and find joy in all that you do "Just have faith, and there is so much waiting there for you! "You are a child of the Universe, "And this little talk "Is My Love For You"
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .