~NEW~ something really wierd is always being said with this child..i dont know what to do...Last night 6/30/01 i was laqying in bed, and from my bed you can see the couch to the living room, my bed rm. door was cracked open..i was watching my dads gf and her daughter talk..Courtney (dughter) said to my dads gf.."mom are you afraid of that thing in your head that controls your body"...and i was thinking to my self..my god whats wrong with this child..member she is only 4. One day i was watching courtney in her room, she was sitting in the corner of her room holdin a toy hot dog, and whispering to her self " gordon, its ok..dont be scared..billy went to the pasture to feet the cows" and i walked in and said.. courtney who are you talking to...she said she was talking to the hotdog pretending it was a big cheese burger cause she was hungry...i dont know what to do..and i dont know what this means..i need help..someone help me figure out what she is, or doing..i always ask her mom if she ever is concerned about all of the fairy tails she makes up..she doesnt seem to be concerned at all...but please help me Thanks
~OLD~ about 2 weeks ago i met my dads girlfriend denise, she is a real sweet lady, but her daughter courtney, they call her sibble, she has 20 million personalties, we dont know what wrong with her, but im bound to find out. On a daily basis courtney acts like a normal girl but a little gredy, she is spoiled, if she doesnt get heer way she cries, at night she screams in her sleep, no one know whats wrong with her. but the next day,she will talking about stuff know one knows about. A few days ago after she woke up one morning from a loud night, she started talking about stuff, "mom, did you have fun at the wedding" and they never went to the wedding. She walked up to her mom one day and said, mom ill be right back, im going to my husbands birthday ( ths girl is three in a half ). oh yea this one day meeh courtney and denise were driving in my dads truck and she looked at her mom and said " mom member that dog we hit last nigh"then she looked out the window and started crying, her mom asked her what was wrong and she said " didnt you see the dead horse we just past, but she couldnt have seen a horse, we were driving through a city with lots of buildings and sidewalks. COurtney talks to someone, but there is no one there... I need help can someone help meeh and give meeh some advice?!? thank you for reading this............heres an addition to the story...newest..recently happening... shes the cutest thing..but she strange, shes not like most childern..wouldnt you be worried if you got into an argument w/your child over cleaning his or her room..you finally tell them " if you dont clean you room im gonna give all your toys away"..and out of no where they respond, " oh mom that would be nice, im sure the unfortunate kids would appericate that...mind you shes only four years old...WOWSER what a kid.. she just turned four b4 x-mas .......~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Mystikal*princess^Ä^ How it changed my life:HELP You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 14135 ( Click here )
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