well see my grandma past away about two years. see before see left i used to sleep over her house every weekend. she was so cool, i loved her dearly. but one day she found out she had breast cancer, and i didn't know what to do. she got better and i thought she was okay but.. a couple of months before me and her were cleaning out her dresser and i remember her showing me these notes that my grandpa wrote saying how much he loved her. it was so nice, i could see it in her eyes that she missed him and loved him deeply. well about 2 months passed and i notice she was getting all yellow. she was getting worse. i cried every night. then one night me and my mom went to go to her house to give hey a sponge bath. considering she couldn't move. i couldn't look her in the eyes because it was to painful. when me and my mom were driving home i remember telling my mom how i wouldn't be able to live without my grandma. the the next day, my mom said she might come pick me up early from school to go see my grandma. well the voice over the moniter thing called me to go down to the office and i was like, "oh ok my mom is here to come bring me to my grandma." well i walked down to the office and i saw my dad standing there. right then and there i knew something was wrong. i looked at my mom and she was crying. i asked what happened and then she told me. my grandma passed away. i dropped down and started balling my eyes out. that was the worst day of my life. till this day i try to pray for her everynight. i love her so much and i hope she is with my grandpa.........
chancy How it changed my life:well she was a great person in my life, and my mom says we had a great relationship... she just changed my life completly... You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 36902 ( Click here )
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