Date: 6/13/2001 7:46:00 PM
From Authorid: 30786
Well, it's June, and pretty soon we'll all be singing, "no more school, no more books, no more teacher's dirty looks" lol I agree that teachers do this alot, some of them are less mature than the students |
Date: 6/13/2001 8:01:00 PM
From Authorid: 31048
That is so true, teachers need to grow up and realize that stereotyping is something teenagers do, not mature adults. Ugh! *~blondie~* |
Date: 6/13/2001 8:19:00 PM
From Authorid: 28633
That is true. They should not do that. they shoul just teach kids not just fail a student by what they are wearing. Teachers should not even care about that. My goodness, teachers just teach and do your job. I tell ya. lol ~*~*~*~Sweetgirl15~*~*~*~ |
Date: 6/13/2001 8:21:00 PM
From Authorid: 33573
Well I am out of achool and has been but I have never seen anyone fail someone for the way they look. I have heard of it. I don't think that is right though. Do you know for sure if they failed him just because of that or could it be something else maybe?~~Volleygirl |
Date: 6/13/2001 8:47:00 PM
From Authorid: 3277
blondie- teachers be mature HAH!!!!. anyway that is horrible what your bro is going through. and you just for being his sis. teachers make me so mad Grrrrrr. *hugs* |
Date: 6/13/2001 9:07:00 PM
From Authorid: 16845
eeek! I hate people who judge someone by their appearence. I went to the mall on a day after school when we had had a rally. our main school color is black, so from head to toe I was wearing black, had my hair braided and an black bandanna on my head, it was CUTE, and it had the school logo on it and everything. SO I went to purchase this gift for my mom and the guy behind the counter is saying 'you know dropping out of highschool is never going to get you anywhere, I bet you won't get a job other than flipping burgers, better learn the phrase 'do you want fries with that?'' I was so mad I stormed out of there, the guy didn't even notice the school logo on my bandanna...I came back into the store after I went to my car, I returned wearing my letter jacket.....That shut him up fairly quickly. |
Date: 6/13/2001 9:08:00 PM
From Authorid: 16845
eeek! I hate people who judge someone by their appearence. I went to the mall on a day after school when we had had a rally. our main school color is black, so from head to toe I was wearing black, had my hair braided and an black bandanna on my head, it was CUTE, and it had the school logo on it and everything. SO I went to purchase this gift for my mom and the guy behind the counter is saying 'you know dropping out of highschool is never going to get you anywhere, I bet you won't get a job other than flipping burgers, better learn the phrase 'do you want fries with that?'' I was so mad I stormed out of there, the guy didn't even notice the school logo on my bandanna...I came back into the store after I went to my car, I returned without the bandanna and I was wearing my letter jacket.....That shut him up fairly quickly. |
Date: 6/13/2001 9:33:00 PM
From Authorid: 13546
There are so many people out there in the world that are like that, and it just isn't fair. Being falsely accused for something just because of the way that person dresses, *shakes head* they dont even take the time to get to know that person, it isn't fair at all. I agree everyone should live by and understand "Don't judge this book by its cover" because you never know a person, until you open those first few pages. *smiles* take care. love |
Date: 6/13/2001 10:24:00 PM
From Authorid: 8374
yea i hate it when people do that..i have a friend exactly like your brother and he would always tell me that teaches treat him like crap and one time he wore a shirt to school that had writing on it from other girls writing on it and the teacher got 'shocked' and immediately sent him to the office and the reason she gave the principal was that 'kids shouldn't have shirts like that' or some stupid excuse like that..later in the year my friend got sent to the principal's office again by the same teacher *she was an art teacher* ok you see they had to make a chess board and his idea was like good vs. evil or something like that and then the teacher got mad again and sent him to the office but in reality the principal actually liked the idea..he said that it was very creative and i thought it was as well....i just hate teachers who do that...that's why i don't trust any of them :P |
Date: 6/15/2001 8:58:00 AM
From Authorid: 35705
Teachers or older people sometimes tend to see things the wya they want to.. Ive had a teacher for child developement class who didnt like me. I copied work from a A+ student in her class just so i could bring up my grade from a d+ and the teacher gave that girl and "A" and me a "D" on the work...its all about how the teachers see u and how u click..peace *livingdeadgirl* |