It hurts to be alone, To have so many problems so many fears and no one that cares enough to tell you everything is going to okay, No one to help lead you back on the right path when you go astray, But most of all it hurts to know the ones who are supposed to love and be there for you don't even care enough to ask you how your day was.
Its hard to know your the only one you can trust, When your friends become your enemies, Your family becomes your nightmare, You turn your back on the world and just to think no one ever said life was fair.
Its all so hard to understand, What did I do to deserve all this? I didn't ask to be born into this....who am I supposed to blame? I don't know if I can cope with all this anymore why couldn't have things just stayed the same?
I guess this is just my little way of venting, You know when you can't talk to no one what a better way to talk to yourself than to write, Some advice to all who read this never take something you love or should love for granted for once its gone you'll wish you still had it with all your heart, When its all over with you'll be glad you realized its importance from the start.
~PinkAngel~ NOTE: I know this isn't my best I've had alot on my mind lately (obviously) I wish you all the best in the world and may you all always have someone there for you...and remember your family may sometimes be a pain, but a family is something that is with you for the rest of your life.
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