Can you calm yourself down? I know that you have a small piece of your kidneys in your mouth. The factory is part of you and me... The dust, the work, the buzz of this screaming earth. Do you have some free time to come visit my heart. I am just a block away from your summer garden mouth.
Beneath the beating of obsolete steel. And above all the marks of margarine. There's a layer full of crazy minds. Look at all the pictures of yourself, Do you want to see me naked on all the clouds?
The shirt that you wear is not what you are. The lips that you use, are they really yours? Even if i don't scream when you rape me with your words, Does it means that i am really really happy deep inside.
The door is now closed at the factory.. Like any good ventures that just turned easily into torture. A sign on the road telling "You are not welcome anymore" Does it bother you that i am not really working in a factory?
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .