I have been having a feeling, for some time now,that someone holding a pwerful position,is going to fall. By this I mean, that they will lose their place in power,by either, an accident, war, or act of God. I'm reluctant to point the finger at our president,Busch.However,I feel that he may have a role in it. I feel that it may have to do with a diplomatic position gone astray. I don't think that it will be an assasination, but, more like, a behind the scenes monopoley of some type. I'm not sure ,exactly how soon, this is going to come about, however, I know that the number 15 plays a signifigant role in it! I know that it will be within the next 3 to 6 months,on the 15th day. I am drawn more towards the suspicion that the month will begin with a "J", therefore, I'm thinking...June 15, July15 or possible even January. January seems to draw a strong, sinking, feeling in the pit of my stomach ,which, makes me think that it will either begin or end in January. I think there are forces already at work with regards to this specific situation,either by people planning behind the scenes, or a sickness moving into the persons life that will have its final affect on the above mentioned date...-Madam Destiny-
UPDATE; I have checked into the reports about the royals being murderd on June 1st 2001. I believe that my preminition is directly linked to this misfortune. I was off by a few days, however, I was right about the month. Thanks for letting me know about that 74! What do the rest of you think? Let me know! You can find info on it at Google. Put in , DEATH OF THR ROYALS TIBET. There are a lot of articals about it. Write and let me know your opinions! Thanks! Love and Light! How it changed my life:I feel better ,now that, I have shared it! It was really getting to me, holding it in! You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 36046 ( Click here )
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