1. Mismatched clothing. Space aliens have little or no understanding of human fashion. They may wear tuxedos with bathing suits, socks of different colors or striped skirts with paisely blouses.
2. Bizarre eating habits. Space Aliens might try to eat soup or peas with a knife.
3. Flawed sense of humor. They are notorious for telling jokes that nobody understands or say the same bad jokes over and over again and find them hilarious each time.
4. Misuse of telephones. Though it's not clear why, space aliens often answer phones that aren't ringing or continue to hold the handset to their ears hours after the party they were talking to hung up.
5. Fear or hatred of music. Space aliens find Eath music shrill and grating and won't hesistate to turn off the radio even if it doesn't belong to them.
6. Unwarranted fascination with simple machines. Hours might be spent looking at clocks or watches.
7. Excesive curiosity. Extraterrestrials constantly ask questions about ordinary things such as why people are afraid to put their hands in the fire.
Someone gave me a copy of this article and I thought it was funny but the person who made the profile takes it seriously. All I know is that this appeared in the Weekly World News Year??? Payne You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 17506 ( Click here )
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