He stood in the shadows, watching the crowd as they walked by. "Pathetic," his thoughts drift out, "these cattle, drawn yearly to this festival of lights. Always the same drivel; sugar spun into fluffy clouds, corn toasted and tossed in melted fat, little ones darting along with globes of rubber floating above them, following there every move with strings attached to their wrists..." I just grin and nod, knowing he isn't serious. He steps into the crowd, every movement deliberate, paced and timed just perfectly so as to not interrupt the mindless flow of bodies.
I stood back and watched him, marvelling at his prowess. How easily he turns their minds eye away from him... I only hope to be half as good as him some day. For now, I am content to watch as he makes the journey across the broadway seem effortless. The bike that narrowly misses him, causing his cloak to flutter in it's wake, not even knowing of it's existence. At the far side he turns, and nods in my direction, "You're turn, m'lady" he grins. Bowing in mock politeness I step into the crowd, jumping back immediatly as the pedestrians close in on me. "Not funny..." I shoot back at him, his laughter still echoing in my mind.
"Ah my dear, how quickly you forget your pacing."
"Yeah yeah, bite me" I flash him back, taking even breaths, watching the oncoming traffic, counting the steps, gauging the distance. Now...two...three, step, step, pause...two...step...now...wait... The crowd starts moving in the opposite direction, drawing my attention to the other side. Step, pause, move, sidestep, move, pause...two...three... step, step, step...
"There, that wasn't so hard, was it?" The mocking grin begging to be forcebly removed. Of course, I'm not strong enough to physically touch him... yet... but it's always nice to imagine.
"Soon you will be able to do that without the awkward pauses and hesitant movements, passing unseen is easy, as you know, passing unnoticed is something entirely different."
Again the phrase "Bite me" flickers through my mind. Luckly he's in good humor today... I wouldn't have been born, if he wasn't, or so he would have me believe. I don't think he's quite that powerful... again, yet.
"Well child, you seem rather spirited today, perhaps a test of your abilities is in order, perhaps you will learn some humility."
"Or perhaps I may just suprise you."
"Indeed... we will see, won't we?"
And with that, everything changed... You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 5353 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .