The parting of clouds I sit at my large oak desk, many things within the confines of my tired mind. I tell myself, there will be no negative thought's today...However, another part of me knows how hard it is to part the dark clouds and see only the light. I sit ,slowley, pen and paper in hand. I try to get past the clouds of negativity, which, seem to be plauging my mind. I think carefully, positively, with no success. I begin to look around the cluttered room,which, surounds me.It is the room of laughfter from innocent souls. The room, which, encompasses my families most precious of moments. My eyes begin to trail along the walls,decorated with flowers, shelves with vases,boarder to add a touch of glamour. However, the clouds still do not part. Not until,that is, my eyes grace the frames of wood,craddeling the innocent smiles, which, play across the chiseled features,of my lovely girls and boys. Then,suddenly,before me,the clouds begin to part and I am bestowed with the vision of one, precious, moment,frozen in time! One moment of innocence,peace and hope! I curiousley walk closer, not allowing my stare to faulter.I look deep into the paper eyes, of my children. They appeared to stare back at me, through the colorful canvas, which, lie as their bed. Thier eyes seem to tell me a story of innocence, quickly fading away, only captured now, in this one moment of time. I pause,as I feel a smile cross over my pursed lips. Suddenly,I no longer notice the dark clouds,which hover above. Rather,I am now embraced ,with the vision of youth. I am teased by memories of my own youth , long ago. I pain to relive them years, only, knowing then what I know now. I look again, at the beauty, of these lives ,which, grace the walls of our home. And I became enveloped in pride. Steadily,it rises within me, as if, to the steady rythem of a bass drum! After all, I have created these lives of which I stand before and so adore! Such as a sculpture, with a ball of clay,I have molded these lives! Suddenly,I am pained with a hollow feeling deep in the pit of my stomach. I quickly turn my eyes away from the beautiful canvses before me, and insted, ajust my stare at the floor.The clouds have again appeared. No longer are they parted, instead they surround me, sufficating me with fear!"Have I done okay?" I ponder."Will they be able to make it in this cold, distant, innocence thieving world?" "Dear Lord," I tearfully begin. "Tell me that I have given to them the tool's, which, life requires, as well as, the knowledge to use them wisely!" Then,in the matter of seconds,I open my eyes. I raise my stiffened head up off of the desk below, and realize, that I had drifted off into sleep. I cannot help but to smile,as I realize, how truly lucky I am! I lie back, breathing in the beauty of my home, my family, and my life.I silently thank myself for the moment of rest for my tired mind, and God for listening to my prayers Madam Destiny
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .