Sunday afternoon, I went to my ushuall tanning appointment. As I lye in the heat and relaxed my body, I soon realized that this was a unique exsperience. Not like any other tanning session I had ever encountered... I have begun to accept that i have a gift to see and hear things that others are aware of and have begun trying to make sence out of them, rather, than fear them. On Sunday afternoon, I had a perfect oppertunity , to do just that! As I was relaxing, I felt my body begin to drift off. I wasn't falling asleep, exactly, however, I entered into an exstreme calm. I began to see fleeting visions on the cover of my eyelids. Normally, this would cause me to jump and make myself move about, so to stop the sight. This time, however, I decided to go with it andsee where it would take me. At first, I kept seeing flashing lights, then I saw what appeared to look like a funnel cloud, then another joined the first. I was becomming nervouse, and almost as if I had no control over my own thoughts. So, I tried to manipulate them. I questioned myself, silently, over and over again, as to, what the vision meant. I seemed to hear the words, Kent and Geauga county. It wasn't as if they was actually spoken to me, it was more like, I "just knew!" Then the number 15 began flashing in front of my eyes. Suddenly, I felt normal again. After I left tanning, I went home and immediatley told my fiencee about it. He looked at me, as if, I was crazy. But, I wanted someone to know, just in case it meant something. The real kicker came yesterday. We had storms all day, so, I thought that my premenition may come true. However, something else happend enstead. The television broke in ,anout a run away train that was out of control near Kenten ,Ohio. This is just outside of Geauga county! I have never heard of Kenten. I have heard of Kent, Ohio though and it is right next to Kenten. The conducter had a heart attackand was the only person on board, It took over an hour for authorities to bring the train to a stop. The train was pulling tankers, which, held highly conbustible gases within. Now, I know, my preminision wasn't %100 right. But, do you think, that is what I did indeed have? And, if so, is there a way to perfect this gift, so that I can use it to help others? Madam Destiny How it changed my life:It has given me more confidence and less fear, of the things that i have been seeing throughout my life! You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 36046 ( Click here )
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