Who will be lucky to meet a girl like you? With a heart of gold, any guy would be rich. Who will be lucky enough to make you laugh? One whose is so cute you want to squeeze like your little teddy bear. Who will be lucky enough to have you in their life? One so sweet you wish you could hold all night. Who will be lucky enough to see you everyday? One who is so beautiful the flowers just welt away. Who will be lucky enough to lead you through the dark? Where you would see each other’s love spark. Who will be lucky enough to hear your words? One whose voice is as soft as an angels. Who will be lucky enough to stare into your eyes? One whose hold a beauty that’s been trapped in time. Who will be lucky enough to receive your kiss? One whose is so soft and gentle upon the lips. Who will be lucky enough to receive your hug? One whose is warm and loving in every squeeze Who will be lucky enough to love you? One who is so perfect, you’re heart will love them too.
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .